Hello aspirants, Bankers Adda is back with another success story. SBI Clerk 2020-21 have declared its final result and many congratulations to those candidates who have got selected and keep sending us your success stories with your picture so we can share them with our students to motivate them. Here, Balaram Bahera has shared his success story, let’s read it.
I have been preparing since 2012 and I have cleared a lot of written tests but couldn’t reach out to the merit list. By the time there was no online education since ADDA247 comes to YouTube and bring revolution to education..and thanks to JIO too.
So I am so happy to be part of the ADDA247 family. And I did get to achieve SBI clear 2020 because of adda247 because I have seen the dedication throughout the journey.A huge thanks to ADDA 247.
It took me 8 long years to achieve my dream job. I broke so many times but never gave up.
So here is my order to all aspirants that never ever lose your trust in you. Always believe in yourself and I am dam sure you will get your share because you are gonna earn it and of course it’s your birthright. Got it dear, you better get.