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Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Manager

Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Manager

IDBI Assistant Manager Recruitment process is now ongoing, The candidates who are aspiring for the exam must have complete details on IDBI Assistant Manager Salary and at the same, they should be aware of the same job profile and perks in other Banks. The salary comparison is the first point of reference when making career choices, it may not be the sole point for career preferences but it does pay an important role. Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Managers is one such reference point through which the candidates can make career choices.  The article below had a detailed analysis of the Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Managers.

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Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Manager

Since the IDBI Assistant Manager application window is active till 12 March 2023. There is sufficient time at hand is you are yet to make up your mind. The salary details of the IDBI Assitant Manger make be the attraction point for you. As per the standards prevailing in Banking Industry IDBI is known to give decent salary packages and career opportunities.  A comparative analysis of IDBI Assistant Manager Salary with other other Bank Manager Salary will be crucial candidates.

Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager

The basic pay for IDBI Assistant Manager Salary is around Rs. 36,000 per month. Above which the candidates are paid a plethora of allowances and add ons which make the salary for IDBI Assitant Managers best in class. Here is the salary structure for IDBI Assistant Manager.

In the given table, we have provided the IDBI Assistant Manager Salary Structure 2023.

IDBI Assistant Manager Salary 2023
Basic Pay Rs. 36,000 per month
Pay Scale 36000-1490(7)-46430-1740 (2)–49910–1990(7)-63840 (17 years)

Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Manager

The IDBI Assistant Manager’s Salary and other Bank Manager’s Salary vary depending on a number of factors. While these factors are complex and make the job of comparison complex, we have attempted to list down the salaries of managers in other banks for you to know Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Managers. The factors which affect salary for Managers In Banking Industry are:

  1. The size of the bank i.e – SBI is known to offer better salaries as compared to other banks.
  2. The location of the branch – Candidates in Tier I cities are paid more HRA than others.
  3. The level of experience, and the qualifications of the candidate.
  4. Structure of bank – Private Sector or Public Sector.

Here is the salary details for Assistant Managers in other banks.

SBI SO Salary

The State Bank of India Specialist officer (SO) is conducted for recruitment to manger scale. Here are the details on SBI SO Salary.

Grade Scale of Pay
Junior Management Grade Scale I (JMGS I) 23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020
Middle Management Grade Scale II (MMGS II) 31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950
Middle Management Grade Scale III (MMGS III) 42020-1310/5-48570-1460/2-51490
Senior Management Grade Scale IV (SMGS-IV) 50030-1460/4-55870-1650/2-59170

Given below are the various perks and allowances that the above-mentioned posts are entitled to are:

  1. Dearness Allowance
  2. House Rent Allowance
  3. City Compensatory Allowance
  4. Provident Fund
  5. Pension Fund
  6. Medical Reimbursement
  7. Furniture Allowance

IBPS SO Salary

Institute Of Banking Personnel and Selection conducts recruitment process every year to recruit candidates on various specialist cadre posts. As the official notification is not yet released by the IBPS, so we are providing you the salary details of IBPS SO based on the previous year. Given below is the salary structure of IBPS SO:

Grade IBPS SO Salary
Officer Scale I Monthly salary– Rs. 36400/-Pay Scale– Rs. 23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020
Officer Scale-II Monthly salary- Rs. 48800/-Pay Scale- Rs. 31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950
Officer Scale III Monthly salary- Rs. 64600/-Pay Scale- Rs. 42020-1310/5-48570-1460/2-51490

FCI Manager Salary

In the given table below shows the salary package of the FCI Manager.

FCI Manager Salary Package 2022

Pay Scale 40,000 – 1,40,000
Entry Basic Pay 40,000/-
Dearness Allowance 11,760/-
House Keep Up Allowance 4000/-
House Rent Allowance 7,200/-
Driver Allowance 2000/-
Family Maintenance Allowance 2000/-
Entertainment Allowance 2400/-
Domestic Assistance 2000/-
Gross earnings 71360

Union Bank of India SO Salary

In the given table, we have discussed the Post, their scale/grade and also the Pay Scale for Union Bank Of India Manager Salary Structure 2023.

Union Bank Of India Salary Structure 2023
S.No. Post Scale/Grade Pay Scale
1. Senior Manager(Credit Officer) MMGS -III 63840-1990/5-73790-2220/2-78230
2. Manager(Credit Officer) MMGS -II 48170-1740/1-49910-1990/10-69810


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What is the IDBI Assistant Manager Salary 2023?

The IDBI Assistant Manager Salary 2023 basic pay is Rs. 36,000 per month.

Where can i get details on Salary of IDBI Assistant Manager vs Other Bank Manager?

You can read the article given above to have complete information on the salary structure for IDBI Bank and other managers.