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RRB NTPC MAINS(18th January 2017, 1st Shift): How was your exam?

Dear Readers,

The RRB NTPC MAINS(18th January 2017, 1st Shift) is going to be over now. This will help you know bits and parts of exam. So friends, do share your reviews.
RRB NTPC MAINS(18th January 2017, 1st Shift): How was your exam? |_2.1

And if you remember any questions or the type of questions, share the same with us.

RRB NTPC MAINS(18th January 2017, 1st Shift): How was your exam? |_3.1 RRB NTPC MAINS(18th January 2017, 1st Shift): How was your exam? |_4.1

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