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Revision Strategy of Reasoning for IB ACIO 2021

Tomorrow is the day when all the aspirants who applied for the IB ACIO-II will be appearing for the examination. The Exam is scheduled to be held on 18th, 19th & 20th February 2021. According to the toppers and the students who have cleared their examinations, the last day’s revision is a must. So, today in this article we will provide you the revision strategy for the reasoning section which you must follow for revising this section for the IB ACIO exam 2021.


Revision Strategy of Reasoning for IB ACIO exam 2021:

In this section, there will be 20 questions asked and which will be of 20 marks. In order to improve the chances of getting selected in IB ACIO exams, we are providing you the revision tips for the reasoning section which are prepared by experts. These strategies will help you in revising the section more effectively and efficiently.

  1. The first thing to keep in mind while revising the section, which does not leave any topic, is a question that can be asked from any of the topics from the syllabus.
  2. Start with the important topics which we have mentioned below, which are taken out from the previous year papers:



Blood relation

Seating arrangement


Series, missing numbers

Counting figures.

3. After revising these topics pick out the remaining topics and start revising the same.

4. Daily practice at least 15-20 questions of reasoning, as this will improve your accuracy as well as you will be able to do the question in the examination more quickly.

5. Mock tests play a very important role in any of the examinations, so start giving the sectional tests (in case you have not started yet) as this will help you in improving your mistakes

6. Give the free quizzes which are basically designed for the IB ACIO exam, the benefit of giving the quizzes is you will get the exam pattern-based questions topic-wise as well as whole section-wise.

7. After this daily give the full tests which are designed by our expert’s faculty for the IB ACIO exams, which covers all the sections and the questions which are based on the exam pattern, by this you will be able to improve your speed and accuracy.

Also check: IB ACIO Exam 2021: Important topics based on previous year

How to Revise Quantitative Aptitude for IB ACIO 2021?

Practice is the key to success, so practice as much as you can and prepare well for your exams.

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