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Reservation Based Relaxation In UPPSC 2020 Exam

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has finally released the notification for the recruitment of Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services (PCS) Examination, 2020 And Assistant Conservator of Forest (A.C.F.) / Range Forest Officer (R.F.O.) Services Examination – 2020. This is one of the best opportunity for candidates preparing for civil services. Now, one of the important point that attracts most of the candidates in a notification is the Reservation Policy. and UPPSC has undergone a biggest change in its reservation policy. Earlier, there was a problem of overlapping in reservation system of UPPSC PCS which was challenged in high court and it was decided by the UPPSC that if a candidate belonging to any reserved category take the benefit of reservation at any stage of the recruitment from Prelims to Interview then he/she will be given the seat of a reserved category even if he/she has scored equal to or more marks than the general cut-off in the final cut-off.  In this article, we will be discussing that who all will be getting the benefit of reservation.

Reservation based relaxation in UPPSC 2020 Exam_3.1

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Key Highlights of UPPSC PCS 2020

Name of Recruitment Exam UPPSC PCS 2020 Exam
Conducted by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
UPPSC Notification 2017 Released on February 21stApril,2020 Download UPPSC Notification 2020 PDF
UPPSC PCS 2020 Vacancy 200
Last Date for Receipt of Online Application 21st May 2020
UPPSC PCS 2020 Salary
  • Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination carrying the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs 4600/-(except Naib Tehsildar whose grade pay is Rs. 4200/-) to Rs. 15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-
  • Assistant conservator Rs.15600/- to Rs.39100/-,Grade Pay- Rs.5400/-, (Levelof Forest 10 in the pay matrix Group) Group “B”, Gazetted.
  • Range Forest Officer Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/-, Grade Pay – Rs.4800/-, (Levelof Forest 8 pay matrix 47600 – 151100) Group “B”, Gazetted
  • Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer (Transport)
  • District Basik Shiksha Adhikari / Associate DIOS
  • District Audit Officer (Revenue Audit)
  • Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I)/(Grade-II)
  • Assistant Labour Commissioner
  • District Programme Officer
  • Senior Lecturer, DIET
  • District Probation Officer
  • Child Development Project Officer
  • Designated Officer /Food Safety Officer
  • Statistical Officer
  • Labour Enforcement Officer

Reservation based relaxation in UPPSC 2020 Exam

  • There is provision of  reservation for Scheduled Castes of U.P. / Scheduled Tribes of U.P. / Other Backward Class of U.P. / Economically weaker section candidates of U.P. shall be admissible in accordance with the provisions of relevant Govt. Rules.
  • Accordingly, reservation for candidates under these category under horizontal as Dependents of Freedom Fighters of U.P, Ex-Serviceman of U.P., P.H. of U.P. and Women candidates shall be admissible on settlement of vacancies. Reservation for P.H. of U.P. shall be permissible for the notified / identified Posts
  • The Candidates who will be claiming for the benefit of reservation/age relaxation must obtain, in support of their category a certificate issued by competent authority on the proforma available on Appendix- 3 of the Website of this detailed advertisement and shall submit the same to the Commission when asked for.
  • All Reserved category candidates of U.P. must mention their Category/Sub Category in the Application as applicable.
  • Candidates who will be  claiming reservation/Age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession, whichever is more beneficial to them.
  • The Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class, Economically Weaker Section (EWSs), Dependents of Freedom Fighter, PH. and Ex-Serviceman candidates who are not the permanent residents of U.P. shall not be given the benefit of reservation/age relaxation.
  • In case of a woman candidate, the caste certificate issued from father side only will be treated valid .
  • For Ex-Army personnel, in case there is  availability of post in class-III, the reservation will be admissible as per rules.
  • It is mandatory for all  the candidates applying for this recruitment to enclose self-attested copies of all the certificates along with the application forms of Main Examination in support of the claims made by them in their application forms of Preliminary Examination regarding eligibility and category/ sub category, failing which their claim shall not be entertained.

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 Relaxation In AGE LIMIT

  • For the Combined State/Upper Sub-ordinate Services Examination and
    Assistant Conservator of Forest/ Range Forest Officer Services Examination:- A Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 40 years on July 1, 2020 which means that they must have not been born earlier than 2nd July, 1980 and not later than July 1, 1999. For PH candidates, the maximum age limit is 55 years i.e. they must have not been born before 02 July, 1965
  • There is a provision of Relaxation in Upper Age Limit: (a) Upper age limit shall be greater by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes of U.P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P., Other Backward Classes of U.P., Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games, State Govt.
  • For the Employees of U.P. including Teachers / Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Teachers/ Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July, 1975.
  • The Upper age limit shall be greater by fifteen years for physically handicapped persons of U.P. (c) Upper age limit shall also be greater by five years for Group- ‘B’ posts for the Emergency Commissioned Officers / Short Service Commissioned Officers / ExArmy Personnel’s of U.P. who have rendered five years service in Army, but there shall be no reservation for Group- ‘B’ posts. In case of availability of Group-‘C’ posts in the Examination, the Age relaxation and reservation shall be given according to Rule

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