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Reasoning Quizzes For IBPS PO Mains 2022- 08th November

Direction (1-3): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow.
M $ N means M is the parent of N.
M & N means M is the child of N.
M % N means M is the siblings of N.
M * N means M is married to N.
M / N means M is the father in law of N.
M ~ N means M is the daughter in law of N.
M ^ N means M is the brother in law of N.

Q1. If C * D ~ J & Y / K, then how Y is related to D?
(a) Son
(b) Grandson
(c) Grandfather
(d) Brother
(e) None of the above

Q2. If E $ R % G / D ^ N and G have two children and only one is son, then who among the following may be the niece of R?
(a) E
(b) G
(c) D
(d) N
(e) T

Q3. If H % U & X ~ R * T and R is not female, then who among the following is grandfather of H?
(a) R
(b) T
(c) X
(d) Either A or B
(e) Either B or C

Direction (4-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow.
P % Q means P is the brother of Q.
P ! Q means P is the daughter of Q.
P # Q means P is the son of Q.
P & Q means P is the father of Q.
P @ Q means P is the sister of Q.
P ^ Q means P is the mother of Q

Q4. In the given expression below how M is related to C?
S ^ T ! M # V ^ X, J ^ C ! N % W & M,
(a) Uncle
(b) Brother
(c) Cousin
(d) Brother-in-law
(e) Can’t be determined.

Q5. Which of the following options is true if the expression ‘X ^ Y # Z & A % B’ is definitely true?
(a) B is the brother of A
(b) B is the son of X
(c) A is the cousin of Y
(d) Z is the father of X’s son
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): The number arrangement machine when given an input line, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: 24 56 36 42 18 88 98 46 38 58
Step I: 12 28 18 21 9 44 49 23 19 29
Step II: 21 82 81 12 9 44 94 32 91 92
Step III: 24 85 84 15 12 47 97 35 94 95
Step IV: 48 170 168 30 24 94 194 70 188 190
Sep V: 58 179 176 37 30 99 198 73 190 191
Step VI: 13 17 14 10 3 18 18 10 10 11
Step VII: 9 21 12 0 9 24 24 0 0 3
Step VIII: 24 24 21 12 9 9 3 0 0 0

This is the last step of the rearrangement, as the desired arrangement is obtained. As per rules followed in above steps, find out in each of the questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 84 36 18 34 64 28 74 16 56 78

Q6. How many steps are required to complete this arrangement?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 7
(e) None of these

Q7. Which of the following element is 6th from the right end in step IV in the above arrangement?
(a) 148
(b) 22
(c) 152
(d) 52
(e) None of these

Q8. What is the product of 3rd and 6th elements from the left end in the third last step?
(a) 70
(b) 25
(c) 60
(d) 24
(e) None of these

Q9. Which of the following is the step IV of the above arrangement?
(a) 54 188 24 148 52 88 152 22 170 192
(b) 54 168 24 184 52 88 152 22 170 192
(c) 54 168 24 148 52 88 125 22 170 192
(d) 54 168 24 148 52 88 152 22 170 192
(e) None of these

Q10. Which element comes exactly between the element which is fifth from the left and fourth from the right in the penultimate step?
(a) 16
(b) 6
(c) 12
(d) 9
(e) None of these

Direction (11-15): A number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step.

Input: 57 62 21 36 82 63 91
Step I: 171 124 63 72 164 189 273
Step II: 47 187 09 236 25 462
Step III: 28 56 0 36 10 48
Step IV: 12 26 -2 16 3 22

And Step IV is the last step, as per the rules followed in the steps given above; find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 83 79 128 92 37 59 98

Q11. Which of the following is the square of the number which is fifth from the right end in last step?
(a) 1849
(b) 484
(c) 2704
(d) 2500
(e) None of these

Q12. If all the numbers in step III are arranged in descending order from left to right, then how many numbers will not change its previous position?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) None of these

Q13. Which of the following numbers is fifth to the right of the number which is sixth from the right end in step II?
(a) 243
(b) 373
(c) 298
(d) 435
(e) None of these

Q14. What is the sum of the second highest and second lowest numbers in step III?
(a) 234
(b) 124
(c) 104
(d) 94
(e) None of these

Q15. What is the sum of the highest and lowest numbers in step IV?
(a) 59
(b) 65
(c) 79
(d) 51
(e) None of these


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