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Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -01st November

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
There are eight persons P, R, Q, U, W, S, T, and V are seated in a row (but not necessarily in the same direction). Some of them are facing towards north direction and some of them are facing towards south direction.
Q sits 2nd to the left of the one who is 3rd to the right of T. T is not facing towards the north. V and Q faces opposite direction. P does not face the same direction as W faces. Q sits 4th to the left of R. W is an immediate neighbor of U who faces the same direction as R faces. Neither Q nor T sits any of the extremes ends of the row. S sits 2nd right of U. Only one person sits to the left of the T. R does not sit any of the extremes ends of the row. P who sits at one of the extreme ends of the row, sits 2nd left of U. S faces towards south direction. The one who sits 3rd to the right of the one who sits immediate right of W, doesn’t face to the north direction.

Q1. How many persons in a row are facing towards north direction?
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) More than four
(e) None of these

Q2. Who among the following sits immediate left of the one who is 3rd to the left of R?
(a) Q
(b) P
(c) U
(d) S
(e) None of these

Q3. The one who sits immediate right of W, is facing in which direction?
(a) North
(b) South.
(c) Both (b) & (d).
(d) Same direction in which T faces.
(e) None of these.

Q4. Who sit at extreme ends of the row?
(a) PT
(b) VR
(c) None of these
(d) PV
(e) WS

Q5. How many persons sit to the left of R?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) More than four
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): The following questions are based on the five words in each of three letters given below.


Q6. If all the letters in each of the words are arranged in alphabetical order within the word, then how many meaningful words will be formed?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) More than three
(e) None

Q7. If the first letter of each word replaces by succeeding letter in English alphabet, then how many words have more than one vowel?
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) More than three
(e) None

Q8. If all the words are arranged in alphabetical order, then how many words remains at the same position?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q9. If first and last letter of each word are interchanged their position, then how many meaningful words are formed?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) More than three
(e) None

Q10. If all words are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, after interchanging first and second letter of each word, then which of the following word is 3rd from right?
(a) YTV
(b) TRA
(c) WEN
(d) CBN
(e) None of these


Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -01st November |_3.1


Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -01st November |_5.1                                            .                                              .

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What are sections included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam?

Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English sections are included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam