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Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -27th November

Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, M, N, O, and P sit in a row, some are facing north and some are facing south but not necessarily in the same order. D sits 4th right of B. C sits left of N. M, D and N are facing in same direction. O doesn’t sit just near to N. A sits at one of the extreme ends and B sits 2nd to right of A. C and O are immediate neighbors of each other, none of them sits at any of the extreme end. M doesn’t sit just near to both B and N. Immediate neighbors of B face opposite direction of B. C and O face same direction but O doesn’t face south direction. N sits 3rd from one of the extreme ends.

Q1. Who among the following sits 2nd left of the one who sits immediate right of B?
(a) A
(b) M
(c) N
(d) C
(e) None of these

Q2. What is the position of A with respect to B?
(a) 4th to the left
(b) 3rd to the left
(c) Immediate left
(d) 4th to the right
(e) None of these

Q3. P is facing in which direction?
(a) North
(b) South
(c) Same as C faces
(d) Both a and c
(e) None of these

Q4. Who among the following sits immediate left of A?
(a) P
(b) B
(c) No one
(d) O
(e) None of these

Q5. How many persons sit to the left of C?
(a) One
(b) Three
(c) More than three
(d) Two
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer
(a) if only conclusion I is true.
(b) if only conclusion II is true.
(c) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(e) if both conclusion I and II are true.

Q6. Statements: A>B, D≤E, C≥F=G, B≤C=D
Conclusions: I. B≥G

Q7. Statements: T>S≤Q, T≥U=V, H≥T
Conclusions: I. U≤H

Q8. Statements: A>B≥L, R>B=H
Conclusions: I. A<L

Q9. Statements: P>K=L, P≤S<Q, T>K
Conclusions: I.Q>K

Q10. Statements: P<H, V≥S>H, N≥V
Conclusions: I. N≥P


Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -27th November |_3.1


Reasoning Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -27th November |_5.1                                            .


What are sections included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam?

Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English sections are included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam