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Reasoning Quiz For IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Prelims 2023 – 04th July 2023

Directions (1-3): In the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the conclusion(s) among given conclusions is/are definitely true and then give your answers accordingly.

Q1. Statements: O = G > M ≥ N < E, O > B, A = E
Conclusions: I. O > M
II. O ≥ N
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Either I or II is true
(d) Neither I nor II is true
(e) Both I and II are true

Q2. Statements: F = G > C ≥ K < E, F > J, L = E
Conclusions: I. L < K
II. C > J
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Either I or II is true
(d) Neither I nor II is true
(e) Both I and II are true

Q3. Statements: F = G > N ≥ D < M, F > B, O = M
Conclusions: I. N> M
II. N ≤ M
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Either I or II is true
(d) Neither I nor II is true
(e) Both I and II are true

Directions (4-5): In the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the conclusion(s) among given conclusions is/are definitely true and then give your answers accordingly.

Q4. Statements: T > R > Q > N; N > C; D < R
Conclusions: I. C < R
II. T > N
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Either I or II is true
(d) Neither I nor II is true
(e) Both I and II are true

Q5. Statements: G > K > L < H; G > O; H > J
Conclusions: I. K > O
II. J < L
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Either I or II is true
(d) Neither I nor II is true
(e) Both I and II are true

Q6. If 1 is added to all even digits & 2 is added to all odd digits of the given number “723866267” and then all digits of the new number are arranged in descending order from left end, now what will be the sum of 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th digits from left end after rearrangement?
(a) 40
(b) 32
(c) 27
(d) 30
(e) None of the above

Q7. How many pairs of letters are there in the given word “RECORDNOW” which has as many letters between them as in the alphabetical series (Both forward and backward direction)?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) More than four

Q8. How many pairs of letters are there in the given word “GRATEFUL” which has as many letters between them as in the alphabetical series (Both forward and backward direction)?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) More than four

Q9. How many meaningful words can be formed using 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th & 9th letter from left end of the given word ‘BEGINNING’ (using each letter once)?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of the above

Q10. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from 2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th & 11th letter of the given word ‘CONDITIONER’, then which will be the 3rd letter of the word (using each letter once)? If no such word can be formed, then mark the answer as ‘Y’. If more than one word can be formed then mark the answer as ‘M’.
(a) N
(b) M
(c) O
(d) Y
(e) D


Solutions (1-3):
S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. I. O > M – True
II. O ≥ N – False

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol. I. L < K – False
II. C > J – False

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. I. N> M – False
II. N ≤ M – False

Solutions (4-5):
S4. Ans. (e)
Sol. I. C < R – True
II. T > N – True

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. I. K > O – False
II. J < L – False

S6. Ans. (d)
Sol. Given number – 723866267
After operation – 935977379
Descending order – 999777533
1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th digits from left end = 9, 9, 7 and 5 respectively.
Thus, required sum = 9 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 30. Hence, 30 is the correct answer.

Reasoning Quiz For IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Prelims 2023 – 04th July 2023 |_3.1

S9. Ans. (a)
Sol. Given word – BEGINNING
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th & 9th letter – B, E, I, N, N and G respectively
Only one meaningful letter word can be formed i.e., BENIGN

S10. Ans. (a)
Sol. Given word – CONDITIONER
2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th & 11th letter – O, D, O, N and R respectively
Hence, one meaningful word formed – DONOR
So, 3rd letter of the word – N


Reasoning Quiz For IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Prelims 2023 – 04th July 2023 |_5.1

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