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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains 2020, 3rd October-Puzzle & Blood Relation

Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G like different sports -cricket, football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, boxing and golf (but not necessary in the same order). They were born on the same day of the same month but in different years. All their ages are to be considered from the base year i.e. 2018. The one who is 20 years old likes boxing. A was born in 1988 and does not like cricket and football. The youngest person does not like boxing. The one who was born in 2010 is 2 years older than the one who likes volleyball. F is 9 years younger than the one who likes cricket. Age of the oldest person is 48 years. E likes tennis and he is the second youngest person in the group. G is 7 years younger than A. F is 14 years old and likes golf. Age difference between B and C is 14 years. B is younger than C.

Q1. Who among the following is oldest person?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) D
(e) G

Q2. Who among the following is 20 yrs old?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) F
(e) D

Q3. Who among the following likes Hockey?
(a) A
(b) G
(c) The one whose age is 48
(d) The one whose age is 23
(e) F

Q4. B was born in which year?
(a) 1988
(b) 1970
(c) 2012
(d) 1995
(e) 2004

Q5. What is the age difference between F and C?
(a) 12 years
(b) 14 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 6 years
(e) 20 years

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: monsoon 31 health newsletter 96 grow 16 49 study slowdown 24 33
Step I: 7 monsoon 31 health newsletter 96 49 study slowdown 24 33 grow
Step II: 15 7 monsoon 31 health newsletter 96 49 slowdown 33 grow study
Step III: 35 15 7 monsoon newsletter 96 49 slowdown 33 grow study health
Step IV: 37 35 15 7 newsletter 96 49 slowdown grow study health monsoon
Step V: 53 37 35 15 7 newsletter 96 grow study health monsoon slowdown
Step VI: 87 53 37 35 15 7 grow study health monsoon slowdown newsletter
As per the rules followed in the steps given above, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: 64 destroy 39 travel 19 26 down 42 watch 87 sleeping friendship

Q6. Which of the following is the last step for input?
(a) 91 55 33 43 19 travel destroy sleeping friendship 23 down watch
(b) 91 55 33 43 17 23 down watch travel destroy sleeping friendship
(c) 91 55 33 23 19 43 down watch travel destroy sleeping friendship
(d) 91 55 33 23 17 43 down watch travel sleeping friendship destroy
(e) None of these

Q7. How many steps is required to complete the input?
(a) III
(b) VI
(c) IV
(d) V
(e) None of these

Q8. Which of the following element is sixth to the left of tenth element from the left in step IV?
(a) watch
(b) sleeping
(c) 43
(d) travel
(e) 23

Q9. What is 5th element from right end in Step V?
(a) 87
(b) watch
(c) down
(d) 23
(e) friendship

Q10. Which of the following elements lies exactly between 64 and down in step III?
(a) 87
(b) travel
(c) sleeping
(d) destroy
(e) 17

Direction (11-13): In the following questions, the symbols #, &, @, * , $, % and © are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions:
A@B- A is the child of B.
A©B- A is the parent of B
A%B- A is father-in-law of B
A&B- A is brother-in-law of B
A$B- A is brother of B
A*B- A is wife of B
A#B- A is sister-in-law of B

Q11. If the expression ‘M©K$N@T#U, X©M$U’ is true, then which of the following is true?
(a) M is sister of U
(b) K is granddaughter of X
(c) T is mother of K
(d) N is child of U
(e) None of these

Q12. If the expression ‘C*E%F$G@K, G&H@C’ is true, then who among the following is daughter-in-law of K?
(a) E
(b) H
(c) F
(d) C
(e) None of these

Q13. If the expression ‘T$U*W@X©Q$R’ is true, then who among the following is sister-in-law of R?
(a) W
(b) X
(c) T
(d) U
(e) None of these

Q14. The position of how many alphabets will remain unchanged if each of the alphabets in the word ‘QUANTITATIVE’ is arranged in alphabetical order from left to right?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) None

Q15. How many pairs of letters are there in the word “COUNSELING” each of which have as many letters between them in the word as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than four

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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains 2020, 3rd October-Puzzle & Blood Relation |_3.1

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains 2020, 3rd October-Puzzle & Blood Relation |_4.1

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