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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB Mains 2020, 13th October-Puzzle & Logical

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:
Six employees of a company are working on six different designation of a company viz. CMD, MD, CEO, COO, SE, JE. All the designations given are to be considered in a given order (as CMD is considered as Senior-most and JE is considered as the Junior-most). All of them like different book.
More than three persons are senior than T. S is senior than the one who likes Ignited Minds. Q is junior than the one who likes Alchemist. U is junior than P but senior than R. The one who is MD does not like Alchemist. R is not COO. The one who is CMD likes The Strangers. The one who likes The Secret is senior than T. U neither COO nor MD of the company. S neither likes The Secret nor The Strangers. R neither likes War and Peace nor Ignited Minds. The One who likes Hamlet is junior than the one who likes Ignited minds. The one who likes The secret is not junior than the one who likes Ignited minds.

Q1. What is the designation of T in the company?
(a) MD
(b) COO
(c) SE
(d) JE
(e) None of these

Q2. R likes which of the following Book?
(b) Hamlet
(c) The Secret
(d) Ignited Minds
(e) None of these

Q3. Who among the following is COO of the company?
(a) T
(b) P
(c) Q
(d) S
(e) None of these

Q4. The one who is MD of the company likes which of the following book?
(a) Alchemist
(b) The Secret
(c) Ignited Minds
(d) War and Peace
(e) None of these

Q5. How many persons are senior than S?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) Two
(e) None

Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
In coded language
“Today Speaker Nation” is coded as – ‘7JF 5KB 6YP’
“Migration News Soldiers” is coded as – ‘4UX 8KS 9QP’
“Between Luxury Business” is coded as – ‘8ET 7UF 6ES

Q6. What can be the code of ‘fruit autumn’?
(a) 3LO 5HJ
(b) 5HI 6GH
(c) 6EN 5HJ
(d) 2JK 4HK
(e)None of these

Q7. What can be the code of ‘Important Arise’?
(a) 8OM 4TH
(b) 5HT 9MO
(c) 6MN 7GH
(d) 5HT 6OM
(e)None of these

Q8. What can be the code of ‘Calendar Update’?
(a) 9BY 5HK
(b) 7GB 6HI
(c) 5KD 9FT
(d) 8YB 6JU
(e) None of these

Q9. What can be the code of ‘Without Crossword’?
(a) 8LK 5FH
(b) 6HO 7UG
(c) 7VQ 8SH
(d) 9SH 7VL
(e) 7QV 9HS

Q10. What can be the code of ‘Other Picture’?
(a) 5FF 7QS
(b) 6FT 8MN
(c) 7QS 6FD
(d) 9GH 5QS
(e) None of these

Directions (11-13): Each of these questions is based on the following information:
(i) A % B means A is the daughter of B.
(ii) A @ B means B is the sister of A.
(iii) A $ B means A is the father of B.
(iv) A * B means A is the son of B.

Q11. If the expression ‘E * A % G $ D @ F’ is true, then which of the following is true?
(a) G is mother of F
(b) E is niece of D
(c) F is brother of A
(d) E is nephew of F
(e) A is brother of D

Q12. If the expression ‘P $ Q % R @ S % T’ is true, then which of the following is not true?
(a) P is father of Q
(b) R is daughter of T
(c) S is sister-in-law of P
(d) Q is niece of T
(e) R is mother of Q

Q13. Which of the following expression shows ‘L is father of M’?
(a) M * N % K @ L $ E
(b) E * L $ K @ M % N
(c) L @ E % K * M $ N
(d) N * M $ K % L @ E
(e) None of these

Direction (14-15): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between “Strong” arguments and “Weak” arguments in so far as they relate to the question. “Strong” arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. “Weak” arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
Instructions: Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument. Give answer
(a) if only argument I is strong.
(b) if only argument II is strong.
(c) if either I or II is strong.
(d) if neither I nor II is strong ; and
(e) if both I and II are strong.

Q14. Statement: Should only reputed NGOs be authorized to distribute the commodities to the public under the programme of Public Distribution System (PDS)?
I. Yes, the move will be helpful to implement the programme more effectively and will keep a tab on various problems like black marketing of the commodities supplied under PDS.
II. Yes, NGOs have helped government on many occasions.

Q15. Statement: Should vacation of Central government employees be reduced?
I. Yes, increase in number of working days will speed up the work done by the Central government employees, as a result of which people will get service from these employees in reasonable time.
II. Yes, vacation makes the employees lazy and reduces the stamina of employees to work for long hours.

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