Directions (1–5): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, Y and $ are used with the following meanings as illustrated below:
‘R @ S’ means ‘R is not smaller than S’
‘R # S’ means ‘R is not greater than S’
‘R % S’ means ‘R is neither greater than nor equal to S’
‘R Y S’ means ‘R is neither smaller nor greater than S’
‘R $ S’ means ‘R is neither smaller than nor equal to S’
In each of the following questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true.
Q1. Statements: N % I, I # G, G M
I. M Y I
II. M $ I
III. M $ N
Q2. Statements: Q # M, K @ M, G $ K
I. Q % G
II. G $ M
III. M @ Q
Q3. Statements: Y Y W, W @ S, S % U
I. Y Y U
I. Y $ U
III. W $ U
Q4. Statements: T $ P, P # S, S Y M
I. M Y P
II. M % T
III. M $ P
Q5. Statements: E @ W, Z $ W, I # E
I. I # Z
II. E @ Z
III. I $ W
Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
Six exams Civics, Science, Hindi, History, Geography and Polity were organized From Monday to Sunday in a week. Six friends- P, Q, R, S, T and U have attended these exams. One day was remaining in the week. It was called none exam day. Neither Sunday nor Monday was none exam day.
All Six exams were scheduled in the July month. Civics exam was not organized on the day which is just after the day on which History exam was organized but was organized on the day which is after the day on which History exam was organized. Science exam was organized on the day which is just before the day on which Polity was organized. Science exam was attended by S’s father on the day which is before Sunday. Hindi was organized on 26 July and Geography was organized on 31 July. T’s grandfather was a brother of Q. P had two sons. Exams were organized in such a way that three exams were continuing means there was no break between three exams. No exam day was also not coming among three days, but none exam day was coming just later or just before of three days exam sets. S’s father was a brother of T’s father. The exam on 30 July was attended by R who is uncle of S.
The exam was attended by Q on the day which is immediate before the day on which the exam was attended by P. The exam on Wednesday was attended by T’s cousin.
Q6. On which of the following day does T attend the exam?
Q7. Which of the following given statement is true?
Q8. How is Q related to U?
Q9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
Q10. Who among the following has given exam on Thursday?
Directions (11–15): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
In a certain code, the symbols for 0 (zero) is # for 1 is $.
There are no other symbols for all other numbers greater than one. The numbers greater than 1 are to be written only by using the two symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1 doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the left. Study the following examples:
‘0’ is written as #
‘1’ is written as $
‘2’ is written as $#
‘3’ is written as $$
‘4’ is written as $## and so on.
Q11. Which of the following numbers will be represented by $##$#$$?
Q12. Which of the following will represent 39?
Q13. Which of the following will represent 100?
Q14. Which of the following will represent the value of $$#$?
Q15. Which of the following numbers will be represented by $##$$$#$?