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Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous

Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are living at seven storey building. Each of them like different Cars i.e Maruti, Honda, Kia, BMW, Toyota and Volvo. All information is not necessarily in same order. One floor is vacant
P live at 6th floor. One floor is between P and the one who likes Kia. Two persons live between the person who likes Honda and the one who likes Maruti. The person who likes Honda lives above the one who likes Maruti. Q likes BMW and lives at bottom floor. R lives immediate below P’s floor and does not like Honda. Two persons live between U and T. One person lives between T and the one who likes Toyota. Vacant floor is one of the above floor of the person who likes Maruti.

Q1. Who among the following person likes Maruti car?
(a) P
(b) S
(c) Q
(d) T
(e) R

Q2. Which of the following floor is Vacant?
(a) 2nd
(b) 7th
(c) 5th
(d) 1st
(e) None of these

Q3. Which of the following combination is true?
(a) R-BMW
(b) P-Toyota
(c) U-Kia
(d) S-Honda
(e) Q-Maruti

Q4 Four of the following five are alike in certain way based from a group, find the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) Q-R
(b) U-Q
(c) T-R
(d) U-P
(e) S-R

Q5. Who among the following person likes Volvo car?
(a) P
(b) S
(c) Q
(d) T
(e) R

Direction (6-8): In these questions, relationship between different elements is show in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer:
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q6. Statements: A = G ≥ T > I > W ≤ O ≥ B, Y ≥ T > U
Conclusions: I. Y > W           II. O > A

Q7. Statements: A ≤ Q = Z = M ≤ B ≥ P = Y ≤ F
Conclusions: I. B > A           II. B=A

Q8. Statements: Q < G > J = Z ≤ L > M = V ≤ I > P
Conclusions: I. I ≥ J            II. J > I

Direction (9-11): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by two conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q9. Statements: Some Notes are Daily.
Some Daily are Book
Conclusion I: No Notes is book
II: All Book are Notes

Q10. Statements: All laptop are Mouse.
All Mouse are Earphone.
Conclusion I: Some Mouse are laptop
II: All Earphone are laptop

Q11. Statements: Some Apple are Mango.
All Mango are Orange
Conclusion I: Some Apple are not Orange
II: All Apple are Orange

Q12. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘Examination’, each of which have as many letters between then in the word as they have between then in the English alphabet?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) One
(e) None of these

Directions (13-15): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
In the coded language,
“Think About Dream” is coded as “nk in re”
“See Again About” is coded as “se in uo”
“Dream See Else” is coded as “nk uo el”

Q13. What is the code for the word “Again”?
(a) in
(b) nk
(c) se
(d) uo
(e) None of these

Q14. What is the code for the word “Dream Else”?
(a) re uo
(b) uo in
(c) nk se
(d) re nk
(e) None of these

Q15. What is the word for the code “uo”?
(a) Else
(b) See
(c) Think
(d) Again
(e) Either (a) or (d)


Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous |_3.1
S1. Ans(b)
S2. Ans(e)
S3. Ans(c)
S4. Ans(a)
Sol. Only one person sits between given persons, except Q and R. There are two persons sit between Q and R.
S5. Ans(d)

Solutions (6-8):
S6. Ans(a)
Sol. I. Y > W(True) II. O > A(False)

S7. Ans(c)
Sol. I. B > A(False) II. B=A(False)

S8. Ans(c)
Sol. I. I ≥ J(False) II. J > I(False)

Solutions (9-11):
S9. Ans(d)
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous |_4.1
S10. Ans(a)

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous |_5.1

S11. Ans(c)

Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous |_6.1

S12. Ans(a)
Sol. EI, NO

Solution (13-15):
Reasoning Quiz for IBPS RRB 2020, 16th August- Puzzle, Miscellaneous |_7.1
S13. Ans(c)
S14. Ans(e)
S15. Ans(b)

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