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Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April

Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven boxes are placed one above other, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them is containing different food items.
Box E does not contain Chocolate. Box K is not placed above box F. Box which contains Burger is placed immediately below box E. There are two boxes placed between box F and the box which contains Burger. Box F is not placed above the box which contains Burger. Box which contains Momos is placed below box F. Three boxes are placed between box L and the box which contains Momos. The box which contains Samosa is placed immediately below box L. The box which contains Biscuit is placed immediately below box G. Only one box is placed between box K and box O. Neither box K nor box E contains Pastry. Box O does not contain Biscuit. Box G contains neither Pastry nor Chips. Box which contains Chocolate is not placed at the top. Box H does not contain Chocolate.

Q1. Which of the following box placed just below the box which contains Chips?
(a) O
(b) G
(c) F
(d) K
(e) None of these

Q2. How many boxes are placed between G and H?
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) More than four
(e) None

Q3. Which of the following box contains Samosa?
(a) G
(b) F
(c) K
(d) O
(e) None of these

Q4. Which of the following box placed just below the box which contains Pastry?
(a) the box which contains Momos
(b) L
(c) the box which contains chocolate
(d) F
(e) None of these

Q5. Which of the following box contains Momos?
(a) L
(b) H
(c) F
(d) G
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language
‘Ability address global delay’ is coded as ‘ru ku bu re’
‘Delay virus efforts’ is coded as ‘ni bu su’
‘Novel ability virus little’ is coded as ‘lu ni ru jo’
‘Public novel cluster’ is coded as ‘do lu am’

Q6. What may be the code for ‘public virus’?
(a) ru ni
(b) do ru
(c) su bu
(d) do ni
(e) Either (b) or (c)

Q7. What is the code for ‘address’?
(a) re
(b) su
(c) ku
(d) lu
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q8. ‘lu’ is denoted as?
(a) delay
(b) novel
(c) ability
(d) little
(e) None of these

Q9. What is the code for ‘delay ability’?
(a) ru ni
(b) bu lu
(c) ru bu
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Cannot be determined

Q10. What may be the code for ‘white global’?
(a) re dr
(b) ku su
(c) do re
(d) dr ku
(e) Either (a) or (d)

Directions (11-14): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Ankur starts his journey from point T, walks 8m towards East to reached at point P, then takes a right turn and walks for 15m to reach point X. From point X he takes a left turn and walks for 7m to reach at point S, from point S, he takes a right turn and walks 14m to reach at point J, then takes a right turn and walks 18m to reach point O. From point O, He walks 14m in north direction and reached point H.

Q11. What is the shortest distance between point T and X?
(a) 15m
(b) 19m
(c) 15m
(d) 17m
(e) None of these

Q12. In which direction point T with respect of H?
(a) North
(b) North-east
(c) South-west
(d) South
(e) North-west

Q13. If point M is 9m south of Point S, what is the shortest distance between point R and M?
(a) 26m
(b) 22m
(c) 21m
(d) 24m
(e) 25m

Q14. What is the total distance covered by Ankur from point T to point H?
(a) 76m
(b) 65m
(c) 68m
(d) 74m
(e) 75m

Q15. Pointing to a lady, Dinesh says to his only Brother, “She is daughter of my mother’s only daughter in law”. Dinesh’s brother is unmarried. How is the lady related to Dinesh?
(a) Brother
(b) Daughter-in-law
(c) Sister
(d) Daughter
(e) Wife


Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April_3.1

Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April_4.1

Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April_5.1

S15. Ans(d)

Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April_6.1

Reasoning Quiz For ECGC PO 2023 -26th April_7.1

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