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Reasoning Quiz For Bank of Baroda SO 2023 -30th May

Directions (1-5): A word-number sorting machine when given an input of word and numbers, rearranges them in a particular manner step by step as indicated below till all the words and numbers are arranged. Given below is an illustration of this arrangement.

Input: Vocabulary my 68 run power plate toy 34 national dry 82
Step 1: My 68 vocabulary run power plate toy 34 national dry 82
Step 2: My 68 dry 82 vocabulary run power plate toy 34 national
Step 3: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 vocabulary run power plate national
Step 4: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 run vocabulary power plate national
Step 5: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 run plate vocabulary power national
Step 6: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 run plate power vocabulary national
Step 7: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 run plate power national vocabulary
Step 8: My 68 dry 82 toy 34 21 12 15 1 15

And step 8 is the last step of the above input, as per the rules followed in the steps given above; find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: Dictionary is 45 in house mat alpha 71 amber nail lantern 60

Q1. Which of the following would be the last step of the given input?
(a) Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 14 1 1 13 15 9
(b) Alpha 71 is 45 lantern 60 12 5 1 16 15 11
(c) Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 11 1 3 14 17 11
(d) Lantern 60 is 45 alpha 71 11 5 3 16 17 9
(e) None of these

Q2. Which step number will be the following output ‘Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in mat nail dictionary house amber’?
(a) Step 8
(b) Step 7
(c) Step 6
(d) Step 5
(e) None of these

Q3. In step 4, which of the following words/number would be at fifth position from the right?
(a) House
(b) Dictionary
(c) 60
(d) Mat
(e) None of these

Q4. Which of the following will be the penultimate step?
(a) Step 7
(b) Step 9
(c) Step 8
(d) Step 10
(e) None of these

Q5. In step 6, which of the following element would be at fourth position from the left?
(a) House
(b) 71
(c) 60
(d) Mat
(e) Alpha

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
Eight people sit around a circular table. Some of them faces inside and some faces outside. S sits second to the left of V who doesn’t sit immediate right of T. Two people sit between S and A. Three people sit between P and U. C sits second to the right of Q who doesn’t sit immediate left of A. Q sits third to the left of P. The neighbors of A face the opposite direction to each other. S sits third to the right of U and face the opposite direction of T. Two people sit between C and U. Q faces inside.

Q6. Who sits third to the left of T?
(a) The one who sits between A and P
(b) A
(c) The one who sits near to C
(d) Q
(e) None of these

Q7. How many people sit between V and P?
(a) Three
(b) One
(c) Six
(d) Five
(e) Two

Q8. Who among the following face the same direction?
(a) V, S, A
(b) Q, S, U, C
(c) U, C, T
(d) T, C, A, Q
(e) None of these

Q9. If all of them are arranged in alphabetical order starting from A in a clockwise direction then how many will remain at the same place (excluding A)?
(a) Four
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) Five
(e) None

Q10. What is the position of the one who sits second to the right of C from the one who sits immediate left of T?
(a) Fourth to the left
(b) Third to the right
(c) Third to the left
(d) Second to the right
(e) None of these


Solution (1-5):
Sol. The machine first rearranges words which are to the immediate left of the numbers according to the number of letters in the words in ascending order and the numbers according to the sum of the digits of the number in descending order.
After that, the remaining words are also arranged according to the number of letters in the words in ascending order and if more than one word having the same number of letters, then they are arranged according to the alphabetical order.
In the last step, except the words written just before numbers, the place value of the second letter of the words from the left end is written in the place of that particular word.

Input: Dictionary is 45 in house mat alpha 71 amber nail lantern 60
Step 1: Is 45 dictionary in house mat alpha 71 amber nail lantern 60
Step 2: Is 45 alpha 71 dictionary in house mat amber nail lantern 60
Step 3: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 dictionary in house mat amber nail
Step 4: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in dictionary house mat amber nail
Step 5: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in mat dictionary house amber nail
Step 6: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in mat nail dictionary house amber
Step 7: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in mat nail amber dictionary house
Step 8: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 in mat nail amber house dictionary
Step 9: Is 45 alpha 71 lantern 60 14 1 1 13 15 9

S1. Ans. (a)
S2. Ans. (c)
S3. Ans. (b)
S4. Ans. (c)
S5. Ans. (b)

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