Directions (1-5): When a number arrangement machine is given an input line of numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: 64533 75894 35467 85434 61346
Step I: 54633 85794 45367 45834 31646
Step II: 85794 45367 45834 54633 31646
Step III: 32579 28536 16583 15463 18164
Step IV: 1079 1536 1283 1063 1064
Step V: 1063 1064 1079 1283 1536
Step VI: 6310 6410 9710 8321 6531
And step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 23954 77874 15976 89336 75567
Q1. Which of the following is Step III of the given input after the rearrangement?
(a) 32777 35576 18983 54517 36325
(b) 35576 18983 54517 36325 32777
(c) 32777 18983 35576 54517 36325
(d) 32777 35576 54517 18983 36325
(e) None of these
Q2. What is the sum of the highest and the lowest number in step VI of the given input after the rearrangement?
(a) 14052
(b) 14042
(c) 13131
(d) 12942
(e) None of these
Q3. Which of the following combination of numbers, represents the 3rd number from the left end in step V and 2nd number from the right end in step II, respectively of the given input after the rearrangement?
(a) 1277, 87774
(b) 1076, 55767
(c) 1376, 95176
(d) 1225, 93254
(e) None of these
Q4. What is the difference between highest and lowest number in step V of the given input after the rearrangement?
(a) 652
(b) 658
(c) 731
(d) 655
(e) None of these
Q5. Which number is third from the left end in step II?
(a) 39836
(b) 55767
(c) 95176
(d) 87774
(e) None of these
Solutions (1-5):
Sol. In Step 1: The first three digits in all the numbers from the left end, are written in reverse order with in the number. No change is made to the remaining digits.
Ex-(64533) will be arranged as (54633).
In Step II: The numbers are arranged in descending order from extreme left end (according to the sum of the digits). (Number with the highest sum of digits will be arranged at extreme left end and the number with the 2nd highest sum of digits will be arranged after the 1st number and so on).
In Step III: The product of 1st and last digit from the left end of the number is written (from the left end) at the starting of each number, followed by the remaining digits in the same sequence to form a five-digit number. Ex- (85794) will be arranged as (32579).
(8 × 4) = 32, and (579) will be written in same sequence, so (32579).
In Step IV: The sum of first three digits from the left end is written at the left end of each number within the number, followed by remaining digits in the same sequence to form a four-digit number. Ex- (32579) will be arranged as (1079).
(3+2+5) = 10, and (79) will be written in same sequence, so (1079).
In Step V: All the numbers are arranged in ascending order from the extreme left end.
In Step VI: All the digits of each number are arranged in descending order within the number.
Input: 23954 77874 15976 89336 75567
Step I: 93254 87774 95176 39836 55767
Step II: 87774 55767 39836 95176 93254
Step III: 32777 35576 18983 54517 36325
Step IV: 1277 1376 1883 1417 1225
Step V: 1225 1277 1376 1417 1883
Step VI: 5221 7721 7631 7411 8831
S1. Ans. (a)
S2. Ans. (a)
S3. Ans. (c)
S4. Ans. (b)
S5. Ans. (a)
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