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Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-18th March

Directions (1-5): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
There are nine persons i.e., T, U, V, X, Y, Z, A, B and C are born on different dates in three different months i.e., June, July and September but not necessarily in the same order. Three persons born in any of the month.
The one who born on 11th born before the one who born on 17th. One person born between U and Y. Both U and Y does not born in the month having odd number of days. Four persons born between Y and C. The one who born immediately after C was born on 30th. X was born on 26th but not in month C was born. B born on 23rd and immediately before X but not in month which has even number of days. The one who born before A born on 11th. The number of persons born between T and B is same as the number of persons born between A and V. Z was born on 18th of the month. Birthdate of U is immediate next to that of B. Only one person born between X and V but both were not born in same month. The one who born immediately before Y was born on 29th. One of the persons born on 17th in the month of June. There are as many days between birthdays of Y and Z as between Z and U.

Q1. What is the birthdate of T?
(a) 17
(b) 26
(c) 12
(d) 29
(e) None of these

Q2. How many persons born between Z and C?
(a) Two
(b) Five
(c) Four
(d) One
(e) None

Q3. Who among the following was born immediate before B?
(a) The one who born on 30th
(b) C
(c) Z
(d) The one who born on 26th
(e) None of these

Q4. Which of the following pair of persons born in July month?
(a) A, T, V
(b) T, U, X
(c) B, U, C
(d) B, X, A
(e) None of these

Q5. How many persons are younger than B?
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) Two
(e) More than Four


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-18th March |_3.1


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-18th March |_5.1

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The IBPS Clerk Mains exam is scheduled for 7 October 2023.