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Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-08th January

Directions (1-5): Each of the questions below consists of a question and three statements numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and given answer.

Q1. Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W, are living in a building of eight floors such that the ground floor is numbered as 1 and the topmost floor is numbered as 8 but not necessarily in the same order. How many persons live between W and U?
(I) Only two persons live between R and P. P lives on an odd number floor above R.
(II) Only three persons live between T and S who lives on the 4th floor.
(III) Only three persons live between P and U. V and Q does not live below S.

(a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data in all the statement I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If all the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question.

Q2. In which day of the week does Y take a leave, assuming all seven days are working days?
(I) Y’s brother correctly remembers that Y went to office on Wednesday.
(II) Y correctly remembers that he took a leave before Saturday but not on Friday.
(III) Y’s father correctly remembers that Y took a leave after Monday.

(a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data in all the statement I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If all the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question.

Q3. What will be the code for ‘cunning fellow’?
(I) ‘fellow are demanded’ is coded as ‘mr pa or’
(II) ‘cunning fellow are’ is coded as ‘mr pa rk’
(III) ‘cunning is dangerous’ is coded as ‘rk lm cr’

(a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data in all the statement I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If all the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question.

Q4. Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V are sitting in a straight row. Who sits on the extreme right end if all of them are facing north direction?
(I) Three persons sit between S and R, and neither of them sits at the extreme ends.
(II) Only one person sits between P and U who sits immediate left of R.
(III) Only two person sits between Q and V who does not sit near to S.

(a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data in all the statement I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If all the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question.

Q5. Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, and W are kept one above another but not necessarily in the same order. How many boxes are kept between Box Q and Box T?
(I) Only one box is kept above box R and three boxes are kept between box Q and box R. Box T is kept above box P but not immediately above.
(II) The number of boxes kept below box S is same as above box P which is kept just above box Q.
(III) Box W is kept below box U but not immediate below.

(a) If the data in statement I and II are sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in statement I and III are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data in all the statement I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If all the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question.


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2024-08th January |_3.1

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol: By using all the statements, we get that Y took a leave on either Tuesday or Thursday.
S3. Ans. (d)
Sol: By using all the statements, we get the code for ‘cunning fellow’ as either ‘rk mr’ or ‘rk, pa’.
S4. Ans. (d)
Sol: By using all the statements, we cannot find who among the following sits at the extreme right end of the row.

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