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Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2023-08th December

Directions (1-5): A word and number arrangement machine when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.

Input: 87 decade horse 45 98 wisdom 56 shadow 22 right
Step I: wisdom 87 decade horse 45 56 shadow 22 right 72
Step II: shadow wisdom decade horse 45 56 22 right 72 56
Step III: right shadow wisdom decade horse 45 22 72 56 30
Step IV: horse right shadow wisdom decade 22 72 56 30 20
Step V: decade horse right shadow wisdom 72 56 30 20 04
Step VI: edaced esroh thgir hsdawo iwdsmo 09 11 03 02 04

And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement as the desired arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the above steps, answer the following questions for the given input.

Input: target razor 23 89 soul 73 depart 64 teams outpost 99 52

Q1. Which element is third to the right of fifth element from the right end in step V of given input?
(a) 81
(b) 73
(c) 24
(d) Depart
(e) Outpost

Q2. What is the difference between the 1st and 4th number from right end in step VII?
(a) 12
(b) 03
(c) 10
(d) 18
(e) 20

Q3. Which of the following is step IV of the given input?
(a) teams soul razor 23 depart outpost 52 81 89 21 24 target
(b) teams target 23 depart outpost 52 81 89 21 24 soul razor
(c) 81 89 soul razor teams target 23 depart outpost 52 21 24
(d) razor soul target teams 23 depart outpost 52 81 72 21 24
(e) 21 24 teams target soul razor 23 depart outpost 52 81 89

Q4. What is the sum of all the numbers in the last step?
(a) 38
(b) 34
(c) 50
(d) 44
(e) 40

Q5. What is the number of steps required to get the final output?
(a) 8
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 7
(e) None of these


Directions (1-5):
Sol. Step I – Step VI: One Word and one number are arranged in each step.
The words are arranged in reverse dictionary order (according to the first letter of the word) from left. Every new word is arranged at the left end of every next step and the previous word will shift one place forward. If first letter of two words are same then they will be arranged according to their second letter.
First, number is arranged at the right end, then digit of number is multiplied in the same step within the number.
Step VII: Words with even number of letters – letters are interchanged i.e. (1st and 2nd), (3rd and 4th) and so on. Words with odd number of letters – letters are arranged from last letter to first letter from left. Also, the digits of the numbers are added.

Input: target razor 23 89 soul 73 depart 64 teams outpost 99 52
Step I: teams target razor 23 89 soul 73 depart 64 outpost 52 81
Step II: target teams razor 23 soul 73 depart 64 outpost 52 81 72
Step III: soul target teams razor 23 depart 64 outpost 52 81 72 21
Step IV: razor soul target teams 23 depart outpost 52 81 72 21 24
Step V: outpost razor soul target teams 23 depart 81 72 21 24 10
Step VI: depart outpost razor soul target teams 81 72 21 24 10 06
Step VII: edaptr tsoptuo rozar oslu atgrte smaet 09 09 03 06 01 06

S1. Ans. (c)
S2. Ans. (b)
S3. Ans. (d)
S4. Ans. (b)
S5. Ans. (d)


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Mains Exam 2023-08th December |_4.1                                            .                                              .                     .            .

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The IBPS Clerk Mains exam is scheduled for 7 October 2023.