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Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -21st February

Direction (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code language
‘Rise alert move’ is written as ‘la ac df’,
‘Rise creative feel magical short’ is written as ‘oq pr rs ac tp’,
‘Real alert creative feel burn’ is written as ‘tp df rs ge hg’
‘Stress creative short’ is written as ‘rt tp pr’.

Q1. What is the code for ‘short’?
(a) oq
(b) rs
(c) pr
(d) ac
(e) tp

Q2. ‘Stress feel creative magical’ could be coded as?
(a) tp rt rs oq
(b) rt ac rs ge
(c) df rt rs oq
(d) rt ac pr oq
(e) None of these

Q3. ‘hg’ stands for?
(a) alert
(b) creative
(c) burn
(d) real
(e) Either ‘real’ or ‘burn’

Q4. Which of the following may be the code for ‘keep creative move’?
(a) tp la rt
(b) la df oq
(c) lb la tp
(d) ge la ac
(e) None of these

Q5. ‘tp oq pr’ is the code for?
(a) feel creative short
(b) stress creative short
(c) creative magical short
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of these


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -21st February |_3.1


Reasoning Quiz For Bank Foundation 2024 -21st February |_5.1

                                                 .                                                                                                                                                          .                    .                   .

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