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Reasoning Ability Quiz For SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 8th March

Directions (1-5): In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer

Q1. Statement: P≤T≤I<U<X, E<O≥P>Z ≥K
       Conclusion: I. K<X      II. E<U
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.

Q2. Statement: Z<U=O≤A≤M<R, Q<A≤Y<G
       Conclusion: I. U≥Q      II. Q>O
(a) if both conclusion I and II are true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if only conclusion II is true.

Q3. Statement: F≤D≤I≥M<X, W<G≤F>B≥K
       Conclusion: I. K≥M       II. G≤I
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if only conclusion I is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.

Q4. Statement: Z<U≤T≤W<M>S, Q>W≤Y<V
       Conclusion: I. V>U        II. W>Z
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if only conclusion I is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true.

Q5. Statement: M>K<V=U≥Q≤T<N>R
       Conclusion: I. M>Q      II. V≥R
(a) if only conclusion II is true.
(b) if either conclusion I or II is true.
(c) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(d) if only conclusion I is true.
(e) if both conclusions I and II are true

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

Q6. Statements: O≤B≥T=D≤J<F>G
       Conclusions: I. G<B     II.F≥D
(a)Only I is follow
(b)Only II is follow
(c)Either I or II follow
(d)Neither I nor II follow
(e)Both I and II are follow

Q7. Statement: Y= K, Y < H, R ≤ H, R ≤ U
       Conclusions: I. H > K     II. H = K
(a)Only I is follow
(b)Only II is follow
(c)Either I or II follow
(d)Neither I nor II follow
(e)Both I and II are follow

Q8. Statements: X≥L>A=W<P, A=T≥B<R
       Conclusions: I. X≤R       II.P>B
(a)Only I is follow
(b)Only II is follow
(c)If either I or II follow
(d) If neither I or II follow
(e)If both I and II follow

Q9. What should be placed in place of question mark(?) in equation B ≤ A ? N ? K ? S to make A > S always follow.
(a) =, >, ≥
(b) =, <, ≥
(c) =, >,<
(d) =, >, ≤
(e) None of these

Q10.Statements: Z > C ≥ B, T = B ≤ V, Q ≥ B
        Conclusions: I. C < V      II. Z ≤ Q
(a)Only I follows
(b)Only II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows
(e) Both I and II follows

Directions (11-15): In these questions relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by conclusions. You have to find out which of the conclusions follow or not from the given statements.

Q11. Statements: T < U, L = M, U≤ P, M ≥ T
I. M > T
II. U > P
III. T = P
IV. P > T
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only III is true
(c) Only IV is true
(d) either III or IV is true
(e) either III or IV and I are true

Q12. Statements: U > G, C ≤ D, F < U, F ≤ D
I. F > G
II. D > U
III. C < U
IV. D > G
(a) None is true
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only II is true
(d) Only III is true
(e) Only IV is true

Q13. Statements: S < N, Y ≥ H, P > S, N = H
I. N ≤ Y
II. H > S
III. P > Y
IV. S < Y
(a) Only I, II and III are true
(b) Only I, II and IV are true
(c) Only II, III and IV are true
(d) Only I, III and IV are true
(e) All I, II, III and IV are true

Q14. Statements: X ≤ U, W < V, S ≥ V, S > U
I. V < U
II. X < S
III. X < V
IV. S > W
(a) Only II and III are true
(b) Only III and IV are true
(c) Only I, III and IV are true
(d) All I, II, III and IV are true
(e) Only II and IV are true.

Q15. Statements: H ≤ L, H < F, M > L, C ≥ F,
I. F > M
II. C ≥ L
III. M > F
IV. C > H
(a) Only I and II are true
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only III and IV are true
(d) Only III is true
(e) Only IV is true

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                                          Reasoning Ability Quiz For SBI, IBPS Prelims 2021- 8th March_3.1

S1. Ans.(b)
I. K<X(true)
II. E<U(false)

S2. Ans.(d)
I. U≥Q(false)
II. Q>O(false)

S3. Ans.(a)
I. K≥M(false)
II. G≤I(true)

S4. Ans.(e)
I. V>U(true)
II. W>Z(true)

S5. Ans.(c)
I. M>Q(false)
II. V≥R(false)

S6. Ans. (d)

S7. Ans. (a)

S8. Ans. (b)

S9. Ans. (a)

S10. Ans. (d)

S11. Ans.(c)

S12. Ans.(a)

S13. Ans (b)

S14. Ans.(e)

S15. Ans.(e)

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