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Reasoning Ability Quiz For SBI Clerk Mains 2021- 4th August

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight persons having different designations in a company i.e., General Manager (GM), Deputy General Manager (DGM), Assistant General Manager (AGM), Manager, Assistant Manager (AM), Probationary Officer (PO), Section Officer (SO) and Cashier in a company. All the designations given are to be considered in a given order (as GM is considered as Senior-most and Cashier is considered as the Junior-most). They all have different ages. The eldest person is 29 years and the youngest person is 22 years. (All the ages are natural numbers)
The oldest person is not the DGM of the company. A is senior to at least five persons and just junior to the one who is the youngest person. Only three designations are there between the youngest person and B. B is elder to E and younger to D. The age difference between C and E is the same as the age difference between E and H. Age of E is a multiple of 5. The one who is SO has an age which is a perfect cube. The age of G is a prime number. D is just senior to F whose age which is an even number. H is junior to B but is not 27 years old. The number of designations between H and G is the same as the number of designations between G and A.

Q1.Who among the following persons is the GM of the company?
(a)The one who is 23 years old
(c)The one who is 24 years old
(e)None of these

Q2.How many persons are senior to D?
(a)More than five

Q3.Which of the following combination is correctly matched?

Q4.What is the age of the person who is the Manager of the company?
(a) 25
(b) 26
(c) 27
(e)None of these

Q5. Which of the following statement is true?
(a)A is the senior-most person.
(b)Age of G is 23 years
(c)H is the junior-most person
(d)Only one person is senior to E
(e)Age of B is 26 years

Q6. Read the following statements and answer the question.
I. Finally, the government has decided to sell off its sick industrial units, which have become a burden to it.
II. Corruption, inefficiency, and red-tapism have led to heavy losses to the government-owned industrial units.
Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?
(a) Statement I is the cause and Statement II is its effect
(b) Statement II is the cause and Statement I is its effect
(c) Both statement I and II are independent causes
(d) Both statements I and II are effects of independent causes
(e) Both statement I and II are effect of the same cause

Directions (7-9): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish between “Strong” arguments and “Weak” arguments in so far as they relate to the question. “Strong” arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. “Weak” arguments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question.
Instructions: Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument. Give answer
(a) If only argument I is strong.
(b) If only argument II is strong.
(c) If either I or II is strong.
(d) If neither I nor II is strong ; and
(e) If both I and II are strong.

Q7.Statement: Should Former Indian players, who have played for India on International level, be allowed to work as coach for the team of other countries?
I. Yes, that experience which does not harm one’s nation must be used to benefit others.
II. No, this will put the prestige of the country in danger because these coaches will reveal our team’s weaknesses to other teams.

Q8.Statement: Should the Indian government launch community-based programme with focus on the mother’s care?
I. Yes, the mother plays a big role in child’s good health and if the programme is community-based it will have immense impact on the poor nutritional condition of the child in India
II. No, it will harm the secular status of the country.

Q9.Statement: Should the Elections Commission (EC) make it mandatory for political parties to give 33 per cent tickets to women?
I. Yes, the move will ensure larger percentage of women’s representation in political arena.
II. No, the move will compel the parties to distribute tickets to women for those seats where possibility to win is less.

Q10. Which of the following expressions will be true if the given expression ‘Z>Y≥X<W<V’ is definitely true?
(a) Z > W
(b) V ≥ X
(c) Y ≥ W
(d) Z > X
(e) Y > V

Directions (11-15): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and answer–

Q11. How A is related to S?
I. M = R ≥ S > T ≥ K ≤ L
II. A = B < T = N > F = G
(a) If the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in either statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data even in both statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If the data in both statement I and statement II together are necessarily to answer the question.

Q12. How P is related to M?
I. Q is daughter-in-law of M, who is son of S.
II. T is mother in law of P, who is son-in-law of U. U has only one grand-daughter R, who is daughter of Q. U has only one child.
(a) If the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in either statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data even in both statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If the data in both statement I and statement II together are necessarily to answer the question.

Q13. Who among A, B, C, D, E and F is the shortest?
I. D and C are taller than A but both shorter than F. B is taller than E.
II. F is shorter than E but taller than B and D. while A is not tallest.
(a) If the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in either statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data even in both statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If the data in both statement I and statement II together are necessarily to answer the question.

Q14. M is in which direction with respect to Q?
I. M is towards north of O, which is towards the east of Q.
II. Q is towards east of N, who is towards the west of M.
(a) If the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in either statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data even in both statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If the data in both statement I and statement II together are necessarily to answer the question.

Q15. If all persons are facing same direction, then how many persons are sitting in a row?
I. A is on 11th position from the left end of the row. B is on 8th position from the right end of the row.
II. M is 5th to the right of A and 5th to the left of B.
(a) If the data in statements I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II are not sufficient to answer the question.
(b) If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I are not sufficient to answer the question.
(c) If the data in either statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
(d) If the data even in both statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
(e) If the data in both statement I and statement II together are necessarily to answer the question.


Solutions (1-5):
Reasoning Ability Quiz For SBI Clerk Mains 2021- 4th August |_3.1
S1. Ans.(b)
S2. Ans.(a)
S3. Ans.(d)
S4. Ans.(e)
S5. Ans.(e)
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. The government has decided to sell off its industrial units because the heavy loss was caused by corruption, inefficiency, and red-tapism. Hence statement II is the cause and I is its effect.

Solution (7-9):
Sol. I is strong because it fosters sportsman spirit. II is a weak argument because the weakness of a team is known not only to its former players.
S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Only I is strong because nutritional condition of a child is directly related with the role of a mother and if the programme is community-based its result will be remarkable. II is a weak argument because it is a misinterpretation of the work ‘community’.
S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. I is a strong argument because it is true that the outcome of the move will result as explained in the argument I. but II is weak because the abuse of a situation is inherent in any move.

S10. Ans.(d)

Solutions (11-15):
S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. From I statement alone or from II statement alone we cannot find any relation between A and S but from both the statements we can conclude A is less than S.

S12. Ans (e)

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S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. From both the statements we cannot comes to any conclusion so neither from I nor from II we can’t find who is the shortest.

S14. Ans.(a)
From I , We can conclude that M is towards northeast of Q.
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S15. Ans (e)
Sol. By combining both the statement together we can find the solution.

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