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Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
Certain number of boxes are kept one above the other. Each box contains different cuisines. No other Box and cuisine are present in the boxes other than the ones mentioned below. There are two boxes between Box F and Box E, which contains Mughlai cuisines. The box which contains Kashmiri cuisines is just above the box which contains Konkani cuisines. Box D is just below box B, which is below E. Three boxes are between F and B. Box A contains Maharashtrian cuisines. Box C contains Kashmiri cuisines and is just below Box F, which is placed among the top three boxes. No box is kept below Box D. Not more than one box is above box A. Box which contains Gujarati cuisines is above but not immediate above Parsi cuisines. Neither Box F nor Box D contains Parsi cuisines. Only two boxes between box G and box which contains Bengali cuisines. Not more than three boxes are between boxes containing Bengali and Mughlai cuisines.

Q1. What is the total number of boxes?
(a) six
(b) nine
(c) eight
(d) seven
(e) none of these

Q2. Which of the following box are kept just above box A?
(a) D
(b) C
(c) F
(d) B
(e) none
Q3. Which of the following boxes contain Konkani cuisines?
(a) D
(b) G
(c) F
(d) B
(e) none of these

Q4. How many boxes are kept between Boxes containing Maharashtrian cuisines and Box F?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
(e) none

Q5. Which of the following combination of box and cuisine is correct?
(a) F- Bengali
(b) B-Parsi
(c) A-Gujarati
(d) G-Maharashtrian
(e) none of these

Directions (6-10): In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and © are used with the following meaning as illustrated below-
‘P#Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’
‘P©Q’ means ‘P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q’
‘P%Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q’
‘P$Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’
‘P@Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

Q6. Statements: R $ N, S @ Z, M © S, Z % R
I. M © Z II. R $ M III.S © N
(a) None is true
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only III is true
(d) Either I or II is true
(e) All are true

Q7. Statements: D% A $ B % M, E % K © M
I. K © B II. M @ A III. A © K
(a) Only I and III are true
(b) Only II and III are true
(c) Only I and II are true
(d) All are true
(e) None of these

Q8. Statements: S % R, R $ M © Z @ A, X % Y © Z
I. R © Y II. Z # R III.Y © R
(a) None is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Only I and II are true
(d) Only II and III are true
(e) All are true

Q9. Statements: Z % R, M © S, R $ N, S @ Z
I. N # Z II. R # M III. S % N
(a) All are true
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only III is true
(d) Either I or II is true
(e) None of these

Q10. Statements: C % R $ M © Z @ A, B % Y © Z
I. R © Z II. Z # A III.R % A
(a) Only I is true
(b) Only II is true
(c) Only I and II are true
(d) Only II and III are true
(e) All are true

Directions (11-15): Study the given information and answer the questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement.
Input: 56 set 90 colour 43 pink 65 ago toy 17 94 near
Step I: 19 56 set 90 colour 43 pink 65 toy 94 near ago
Step II: colour 19 56 set 90 pink 65 toy 94 near ago 45
Step III: 54 colour 19 set 90 pink 65 toy 94 ago 45 near
Step IV: pink 54 colour 19 set 90 toy 94 ago 45 near 67
Step V: 88 pink 54 colour 19 toy 94 ago 45 near 67 set
Step VI: toy 88 pink 54 colour 19 ago 45 near 67 set 92

And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Q11. In which step the elements ‘13 new 88’ found in the same order?
(a) Step I
(b) Step II
(c) Step III
(d) Step V
(e)Step VI

Q12. In step IV, which of the following word/number would be at 2nd position to the left of 7th from the right end?
(a) 13
(b) hot
(c) 84
(d) new
(e) 88

Q13. How many steps required for completing the above arrangement?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) Seven
(e) Five

Q14. Which of the following would be the step III after arrangement?
(a) 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool
(b) 48 begin 13 hot 80 economy 57 new 86 again 37 cool
(c) 48 begin 15 hot 82 economy 57 new 86 again 37 cool
(d) 48 begin 13 hot 82 economy 57 new 86 again 37 cool
(e) None of these

Q15. In step VI, ‘82’ is related to ‘new’ and ‘13’ is related to ‘begin’. In the same way ‘61’ is related to?
(a) cool
(b) new
(c) economy
(d) hot
(e) None of these


S1. Ans. (d)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September |_3.1

S2. Ans. (e)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September |_3.1

S3. Ans. (b)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September |_3.1

S4. Ans. (e)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September |_3.1

S5. Ans. (b)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For RRB PO Mains 2021- 12th September |_3.1

S6. Ans.(d)

S7. Ans.(c)

S8. Ans.(b)

S9. Ans.(e)

S10. Ans.(a)

S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see in each step, then we can find that there are both number and words are arranged in each step.

(1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to ascending order given in English alphabetical order. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.

And this process is continued in further step.

(2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number is arranged on extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged on extreme right. And this process is continued in further step (Each odd number is added by two (+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted from each even number(-2) while they are arranged).

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Step I: 13 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 new 88 cool again

Step II: begin 13 50 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 cool again 39

Step III: 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool

Step IV: economy 48 begin 13 hot 84 new 88 again 39 cool 61

Step V: 82 economy 48 begin 13 new 88 again 39 cool 61 hot

Step VI: new 82 economy 48 begin 13 again 39 cool 61 hot 86

S12. Ans. (a)

Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see in each step, then we can find that there are both number and words are arranged in each step.

(1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to ascending order given in English alphabetical order. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.

And this process is continued in further step.

(2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number is arranged on extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged on extreme right. And this process is continued in further step (Each odd number is added by two (+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted from each even number (-2) while they are arranged).

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Step I: 13 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 new 88 cool again

Step II: begin 13 50 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 cool again 39

Step III: 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool

Step IV: economy 48 begin 13 hot 84 new 88 again 39 cool 61

Step V: 82 economy 48 begin 13 new 88 again 39 cool 61 hot

Step VI: new 82 economy 48 begin 13 again 39 cool 61 hot 86

S13. Ans.(c)

Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see in each step, then we can find that there are both number and words are arranged in each step.

(1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to ascending order given in English alphabetical order. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.

And this process is continued in further step.

(2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number is arranged on extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged on extreme right. And this process is continued in further step (Each odd number is added by two (+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted from each even number (-2) while they are arranged).

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Step I: 13 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 new 88 cool again

Step II: begin 13 50 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 cool again 39

Step III: 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool

Step IV: economy 48 begin 13 hot 84 new 88 again 39 cool 61

Step V: 82 economy 48 begin 13 new 88 again 39 cool 61 hot

Step VI: new 82 economy 48 begin 13 again 39 cool 61 hot 86

S14. Ans.(a)

Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see in each step, then we can find that there are both number and words are arranged in each step.

(1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to ascending order given in English alphabetical order. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.

And this process is continued in further step.

(2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number is arranged on extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged on extreme right. And this process is continued in further step (Each odd number is added by two (+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted from each even number (-2) while they are arranged).

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Step I: 13 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 new 88 cool again

Step II: begin 13 50 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 cool again 39

Step III: 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool

Step IV: economy 48 begin 13 hot 84 new 88 again 39 cool 61

Step V: 82 economy 48 begin 13 new 88 again 39 cool 61 hot

Step VI: new 82 economy 48 begin 13 again 39 cool 61 hot 86

S15. Ans. (a)

Sol. Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see in each step, then we can find that there are both number and words are arranged in each step.

(1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to ascending order given in English alphabetical order. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.

And this process is continued in further step.

(2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number is arranged on extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged on extreme right. And this process is continued in further step (Each odd number is added by two (+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted from each even number (-2) while they are arranged).

Input: 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 again new 11 88 cool

Step I: 13 50 hot 84 begin 37 economy 59 new 88 cool again

Step II: begin 13 50 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 cool again 39

Step III: 48 begin 13 hot 84 economy 59 new 88 again 39 cool

Step IV: economy 48 begin 13 hot 84 new 88 again 39 cool 61

Step V: 82 economy 48 begin 13 new 88 again 39 cool 61 hot

Step VI: new 82 economy 48 begin 13 again 39 cool 61 hot 86

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