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Reasoning Ability Quiz For RBI Assistant Prelims 2022- 22nd February

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
In a certain code language,
‘For love all’ is coded as ‘dup eup mup’
‘For hatred none’ is coded as ‘nup eup uup’
‘Change love hatred’ is coded as ‘dup nup sup’
‘Change the world’ is coded as ‘sup cup oup’

Q1. What is the code for ‘Hatred’?
(a) eup
(b) uup
(c) dup
(d) nup
(e) None of these

Q2. Which amongst the following word is coded as ‘dup’?
(a) All
(b) For
(c) Love
(d) Change
(e) None of these

Q3. What are the codes for ‘For All’?
(a) eup dup
(b) eup mup
(c) eup nup
(d) uup mup
(e) None of these

Q4. What is the code for ‘World’?
(a) oup
(b) nup
(c) cup
(d) Either oup or nup
(e) Either oup or cup

Q5. Which amongst the following words are coded as ‘sup uup’?
(a) Change All
(b) All None
(c) Change World
(d) Change None
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
‘Friends value are in life’ is written as ‘qi dl ir mz gb’.
‘Friends help in good life problem’ is written as ‘sb dl qi ec th mz’.
‘In problem help gives value’ is written as ‘th sb va mz gb’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘gb’ and ‘mz’ respectively?
(a) ‘In’ and ‘gives’
(b) ‘Value’ and ‘in’
(c) ‘Friends’ and ‘good’
(d) ‘Problem’ and ‘value’
(e) None of these

Q7. What is the code for ‘good friends’ if ‘life value’ is coded as ‘qi gb’?
(a) dl sb
(b) th ir
(c) ec sb
(d) ec dl
(e) None of these

Q8. What is the code for ‘friends’?
(a) dl
(b) qi
(c) ec
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) th

Q9. What may be the code for ‘problem in life’ if ‘help friends’ is coded as ‘qi sb’?
(a) va dl ec
(b) th mz ir
(c) dl mz th
(d) mz gb va
(e) None of these

Q10. If code for ‘life’ gets interchanged with ‘problem’ and then ‘gives problem’ is coded as ‘dl va’ then what is the possible code for ‘friends are good’?
(a) qi dl ec
(b) ir ec qi
(c) mz gb va
(d) va ir qi
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
In a certain code language,
‘Insect apple open’ is coded as ‘td en fy’
‘Pure orange apple’ is coded as ‘qp rg en’
‘Round insect open’ is coded as ‘fy td ce’
‘Apple tasty cool’ is coded as ‘gn ag en’

Q11. What is the code for ‘round’?
(a) ce
(b) fy
(c) td
(d) Either ‘td’ or ‘ce’
(e) None of these

Q12. If ‘orange sun’ is coded as ‘mk qp’ then what is the code for ‘pure honey’?
(a) ag rg
(b) qp en
(c) vt rg
(d) ql ku
(e) None of these

Q13. What is the code for ‘insect’?
(a) en
(b) fy
(c) td
(d) Either ‘fy’ or ‘td’
(e) None of these

Q14. What is the possible code for ‘open cool book’?
(a) td en ce
(b) ag fy it
(c) ij gn ag
(d) fy gn ce
(e) None of these

Q15. What is the code for ‘apple’?
(a) gn
(b) ce
(c) ag
(d) en
(e) fy


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