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Reasoning Ability Quiz For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022- 22nd July

Directions (1-5): Answer the questions based on the information given below:
In a certain language,
‘Comparison shall kill we’ is coded as ‘hoc boc doc goc’
‘We shall try that’ is coded as’ doc loc moc hoc’
‘Comparison shall produce tension’ is coded as ‘boc poc hoc noc’
‘She shall produce that’ is coded as ‘hoc roc moc noc’

Q1. What is the code of the word ‘shall’?
(a) boc
(b) roc
(c) hoc
(d) goc
(e) None of the above

Q2. Which of the following word is coded as ‘boc’?
(a) Shall
(b) Comparison
(c) Produce
(d) Tension
(e) None of the above

Q3. What is code of the word ‘Produce’?
(a) noc
(b) moc
(c) hoc
(d) poc
(e) None of the above

Q4. Which word is coded as ‘roc’?
(a) Shall
(b) That
(c) Produce
(d) She
(e) None of the above

Q5. What is code of the word ‘we comparison’?
(a) noc doc
(b) moc boc
(c) goc loc
(d) doc boc
(e) None of the above

Directions (6-10): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
In a certain code language
‘Panel contribute able damage’ is coded as ‘nlp ilt ogi tnk’,
‘Damage contribute for panic’ is coded as ‘ilt tra stv nlp’,
‘Panic able only asset’ is coded as ‘tnk stv mne siy’,
‘Panel asset deal at’ is coded as ‘ogi siy oop ius’

Q6. Which of the following is coded as ‘mne’?
(a) Panic
(b) Able
(c) Asset
(d) Only
(e) Can’t be determined

Q7. Which of the following may be coded as ‘siy stv soi’?
(a) Asset higher panel
(b) Deal under asset
(c) Panic for able
(d) Asset above panic
(e) Panic for asset

Q8. What is the code for ‘panel’?
(a) ilt
(b) nlp
(c) tnk
(d) ogi
(e) Can’t be determined

Q9. Which of the following is possibly coded as ‘siy tnk nlp’?
(a) Able deal panel
(b) Panel asset in
(c) Asset able damage
(d) Able deal contribute
(e) Can’t be determined

Q10. Which of the following is the code for ‘at’?
(a) ogi
(b) siy
(c) oop
(d) ius
(e) Either oop or ius

Directions (11-15): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
In a certain code language,
‘Silent or Noise determined’ is written as ‘yl ta ah ix’,
‘Endorse simple for sustain’ is written as ‘ia ga ex ea’,
‘Determined sustain or endorse’ is written as ‘ta ex yl ea’,
‘Silent determined for endorse’ is written as ‘yl ga ix ea’

Q11. Which of the following is the code for ‘determined sustain’?
(a) ea ex
(b) yl ea
(c) ta ga
(d) ex yl
(e) Cannot be determined

Q12. Which of the following is coded as ‘ta ia’?
(a) for simple
(b) Or endorse
(c) Noise for
(d) Simple or
(e) Cannot be determined

Q13. What is the possible code for ‘in determine noise?
(a) ah nb ga
(b) yl ah ta
(c) bh ta ix
(d) ah rt yl
(e) Cannot be determined

Q14. Which of the following is coded as ‘ia’?
(a) For
(b) Sustain
(c) Simple
(d) Endorse
(e) Cannot be determined

Q15. Which of the following is coded as ‘silent or endorse noise’?
(a) ta ea ix yl
(b) ix ex ga ea
(c) yl ta ah ex
(d) ah ea ta ix
(e) None of these


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