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Reasoning Ability Quiz For FCI 2022- 7th September

Directions (1-5): These questions are based on the following set of numbers.

758 625 417 843 236

Q1. If in each number first digit is replaced by the second digit, second digit is replaced by the third digit and third digit is replaced by the first digit, then which number will be the second lowest?
(a) 625
(b) 843
(c) 236
(d) 758
(e) 417

Q2. If in each number, the first and the third digits are interchanged, and then which number will be the highest?
(a) 843
(b) 417
(c) 236
(d) 758
(e) 625

Q3. If all the numbers are arranged in descending order, then what will be the difference between the second digit of highest number and third digit of second highest number?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) 0

Q4. If ‘1’ is added to all even digits in all the numbers, in which of the following numbers will the difference between the first and second digit will be less than two?
(a) 625
(b) 843
(c) 236
(d) 758
(e) 417

Q5. If in each number all the digits are arranged in ascending order within the number, then what will be the difference between lowest and highest number thus formed?
(a) 431
(b) 469
(c) 530
(d) 433
(e) 429

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions: –

946 356 751 389 658

Q6. Which will be the highest number if all the digits of the numbers are arranged in decreasing order?
(a) 658
(b) 946
(c) 389
(d) 751
(e) 356

Q7. What will be the sum of third digit of the lowest number and the first digit of the highest number after all the 1st and 3rd digit of all the numbers are interchanged?
(a) 15
(b) 11
(c) 4
(d) 16
(e) None of these

Q8. What will be the difference between the sum of the digits of the last two numbers and the sum of the digits of the first two number?
(a) 9
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 7
(e) 4

Q9. What will be the 2nd digit of the 2nd lowest number after one is subtracted from the odd digits of all the number and one is added to the even digits of all the numbers?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 9
(d) 2
(e) None of these

Q10. Sum of first and third digit is the highest for which number?
(a) 356
(b) 389
(c) 751
(d) 658
(e) 946

Directions (11-15): These questions are based on the following arrangement. Study it carefully and answer the questions.

4 # 6 B I @ R 1 Q  L E 2 % 3 7 K $ U 5 9 8 H T A

Q11. Which element is sixth to the right of fifteenth from the right end?
(a) %
(b) 7
(c) K
(d) $
(e) None of these

Q12. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
(a) 6H
(b) I9
(c) 2
(d) 4A
(e) #T

Q13. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a number but not immediately preceded by another number?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) Four

Q14. If all the symbols are dropped from the above arrangement which element will be ninth from the right end?
(a) B
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) I
(e) None of these

Q15. What will come in place of the question mark in the following series based on the above arrangement?
46# IR@ QL ?
(a) 32%
(b) %23
(c) 2%3
(d) 23%
(e) None of these


S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. New arrangement will be 587 256 174 438 362.

S2. Ans. (d)

S3. Ans. (c)

S4. Ans. (c)

S5. Ans. (a)

S6. Ans. (c)
Sol. 389

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. 7 + 9= 16

S8. Ans. (b)
Sol. 39 – 33 =6

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. 9

S10. Ans. (e)

S11. Ans. (c)

S12. Ans. (c)

S13. Ans. (a)

S14. Ans. (e)

S15. Ans. (d)

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