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Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 28th January

Directions (1-5): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input- quick 97 macky 85 63 jugum 76 zaxes 26 furzy
Step I – exaz 98 quick macky 85 63 jugum 76 26 furzy
Step II- ciuq 86 exaz 98 macky 63 jugum 76 26 furzy
Step III- kcam 77 ciuq 86 exaz 98 63 jugum 26 furzy
Step IV- uguj 64 kcam 77 ciuq 86 exaz 98 26 furzy
Step V- zruf 27uguj 64 kcam 77 ciuq 86 exaz 98
Step V is the last step of the given input

Input- 54 jocks 39 mujik 87 25 zippy tazza 46 pizza kudzu 19

Q1. In which of the following step ‘ppiz 88 jocks 25’ are placed immediately?
(c)Step-III and Step-IV
(d)Step II
(e)None of these

Q2. How many elements are there between zzip and 25 in step-IV?
(e)None of these

Q3. Which of the following elements are there between 40 and 55 in step-IV?
(a) ppiz, 88, jocks
(b) zzip, 47, zzat
(c) zduk, 26, ijum
(d) pizza, kudzu, 19
(e)None of these

Q4. Which word/ number would be at the fourth position from the left end in the last step of the machine output.
(a) zzat
(b) 26
(c) zduk
(d) ijum
(e) 40

Q5. How many Steps are required to complete the given input?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) Five
(e) More than Six

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons Z, P, O, M, L, K, J and I lives on different flats in the same building having three floor. Ground floor is number 1 and top floor is number third but not necessarily in the same order. There are three flats on each floor- flat-1, flat-2 and flat-3 from west to east such that flat-1 of third floor is exactly above flat-1 of second floor which is just above flat-1 of first floor and other flats are placed in the same way. One of the flat is vacant.
Z lives in an even numbered flat. K lives on one of the floors above M. Three persons live on the floor in which K lives. Only two persons lives on the floor on which Z lives. L lives just above J who lives on the floor in which no flat is vacant. M lives just below the vacant flat. O lives on the flat which to the west of I. There is no flat to the east of K. The flat which is just below O is not vacant.

Q6. Which of the following is a vacant flat?
(a) Flat -3 on second floor
(b) Flat- 1 on second floor
(c) Flat -2 on third floor
(d) Flat -1 on third floor
(e) None of these

Q7. Who among the following lives on the same floor as J?
(a) Z
(b) L
(c) O
(d) P
(e)None of these

Q8. Who amongst the following live on the floor which has a vacant flat?
(a) Z
(b) L
(c) J
(d) Both Z and L
(e) None of these

Q9. Who among the following lives on the same floor as P?
(a) L
(b) Z
(c) O
(d) I
(e) None of these

Q10. Who among the following lives in Flat-1 on third floor?
(a) I
(b) K
(c) L
(d) O
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): These questions are based on the following informations.
In a certain code:
‘severe cash crunch again’ is coded as ‘M*Z S@X V#H S#X’.
‘Finance Ministry has emphasis’ is coded as ‘B$N H&S H$V V©U’.
‘Reserve Bank India has claimed’ is coded as ‘Z*R V©I H&S W©X P@Y’.

Q11. What will be the code for ‘Emphasis’?
(a) V©U
(b) H&S
(c) B$N
(d) H$V
(e) None of these

Q12. What will be the code for ‘Bankers’?
(a) Y©H
(b) Y&B
(c) H©Y
(d) B$Y
(e) M35 C12

Q13. Which of the following will be the code for ‘Renews’?
(a) H#I
(b) H&I
(c) I#H
(d) I$O
(e) None of these

Q14. Which of the following can be coded as ‘L*A’?
(a) Jaxes
(b) Zumbo
(c) Judge
(d) April
(e) None of these

Q15. What could be the code for ‘Court has judges’?
(a) G*X H$S Q#H
(b) G*X H$S H#Q
(c) G@X H$S H#Q
(d) G*X H$S H@Q
(e) G*X H&S H#Q

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Solutions (1-5):
In this new pattern input output question only one word and one number is arranged in each step. Let us understand the logic behind it- In each step the words and numbers are arranged from the left end.
For words- The word which comes last according to alphabetical series is arranged first and the last letter of that word is omitted and further first and fourth letter are interchanged and second and third letter are interchanged.
For numbers- Numbers start arranging as the highest number+1 is arranged in 1st step then second highest+1 number in second step and so on from left end after each newly arranged word.

Input- 54 jocks 39 mujik 87 25 zippy tazza 46 pizza kudzu 19
Step I – ppiz 88 54 jocks 39 mujik 25 tazza 46 pizza kudzu 19
Step II- zzat 55 ppiz 88 jocks 39 mujik 25 46 pizza kudzu 19
Step III- zzip 47 zzat 55 ppiz 88 jocks 39 mujik 25 kudzu 19
Step IV- ijum 40 zzip 47 zzat 55 ppiz 88 jocks 25 kudzu 19
Step V- zduk 26 ijum 40 zzip 47 zzat 55 ppiz 88 jocks 19
Step VI- kcoj 20 zduk 26 ijum 40 zzip 47 zzat 55 ppiz 88

S1. Ans.(b)
S2. Ans.(a)
S3. Ans.(b)
S4. Ans.(b)
S5. Ans.(c)

Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 28th January_4.1

Solutions (11-15):
Sol. The given words are coded as per following pattern:
(i) First letter of the code represents the opposite letter of the last letter of the given word.
For example. Again- ‘N’=M
(ii) Last letter of the code represents the opposite letter of the first letter of the given word.
For example. Again- ‘A’=Z
(iii) The symbol of the code is depending on the total number of letters in the given word.
No. of letters – Symbol
3 – &
4 – @
5 – *
6 – #
7 – ©
8 – $
For ex. Again – The code is ‘M*Z’.


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