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Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 – 29th March

Direction (1-4): In the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the conclusion(s) among given conclusions is/are definitely true and then give your answers accordingly.

Q1. Statements: P > M < X < V; D ≤ L=M; D > S
Conclusions: I. P > S
II. P > V
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q2. Statements: M > A ≥ P > U; E < R > U; E ≥ L > W
Conclusions: I. M > L
II. W ≤ A
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q3. Statements: Q ≥ W > X > Z; E > Z; E > C
Conclusions: I. C < Q
II. E ≤ W
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q4. Statements: L > W < U < B; W ≥ X > P; P > T ≥ K
Conclusions: I. L > T
II. K≤ U
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Direction (5-8): In the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the conclusion(s) among given conclusions is/are definitely true and then give your answers accordingly.

Q5. Statements: T > K ≥ B; S = C < B > P
Conclusions: I. T > S
II. P < K
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q6. Statements: T >N < R; N =S > Q; Q =Y < B
Conclusions: I. T > B
II. Y < R
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q7. Statements: G > Y; R < A ≤ B; V > M=R; G < B
Conclusions: I. R < G
II. B > V
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q8. Statements: W > F > V; L < Z < V; L ≥ R =T
Conclusions: I. R < W
II. T < Z
(a) Only I is true.
(b) Only II is true.
(c) Either I or II is true.
(d) Neither I nor II is true.
(e) Both I and II are true.

Q9. In which of the given expressions does the expressions “V < D” and “U > S” definitely hold true?
(a) P= D < U ≥ H = L > V > S
(b) S > P = V ≥ Q = U < D >H
(c) P < U > V < H =W < D > S
(d) V= S < Q = D < U = O < P
(e) None is true

Q10. Which of the following expressions does the expression “J > D” and “P < V” definitely hold true?
(a) P ≥ J ≥V = L > S > D
(b) P < S ≥ D = N=U < V<J
(c) J ≥R > B ≥ P =V ≥ D
(d) V > S =P < Q < D < J
(e) D ≥ T = V ≥ H = P < J

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions given below, a group of digits is given followed by some combinations of letters. You have to find out which of given combinations correctly represents the group of digits based on the letters codes and the conditions given below. If none of the given combinations represents the group of digits correctly, give (e) i.e. ‘None of these’ as the answer.

Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 - 29th March_3.1

Condition for coding the group digits:
(i) If the first digit is odd and last digit is even, the codes for the first and the last digits are to be interchanged.
(ii) If the first as well as the last digit is even, both are to be coded by the code for the last digit.
(iii)If the first as well as the last digit is odd, both are to be coded by the code for the first digit.

Q11. 2658478
(e) None of these

Q12. 3654878
(e) None of these

Q13. 6792479
(e) None of these

Q14. 1234567
(e) None of these

Q15. 9876542
(e) None of these


Solution (1-4):
S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. I. P > S – True
II. P > V – False

S2. Ans. (d)
Sol. I. M > L – False
II. W ≤ A – False

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. I. C < Q – False
II. E ≤ W – False

S4. Ans. (a)
Sol. I. L > T – True
II. K≤ U – False

Solution (5-8):
S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. I. T > S – True
II. P < K – True

S6. Ans. (b)
Sol. I. T > B – False
II. Y < R – True

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. I. R < G – False
II. B > V – False

S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. I. R < W – True
II. T < Z – True

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. So, among all the given options, expression given in option (d) is correct to make the expressions (V < D and U > S) definitely true.

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. Among the given options, expression given in option (d), make the expression (J > D and P≤ V) definitely true.

Solutions (11-15):
S11. Ans.(b)
Sol. Condition (ii) applies
S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. Conditions(i) applies.
S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. No Condition are applied.
S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. Condition (iii) applies.
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. Conditions(i) applies.

Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 - 29th March_4.1

Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 - 29th March_5.1

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