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Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -23rd July

Directions (1-4): Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.

D 9 © K U $ W 1 E 4 B % R 3 A 6 # F H @ I 2 M P 5 * Q 8 T

Q1. If all the symbols and digits are deleted from the above arrangements then which of the following alphabets is 3rd to left of 4th from right end?
(a) E
(b) I
(c) A
(d) F
(e) K

Q2. Which of the following element is 5th to right of 18th from right end in the above arrangement?
(a) #
(b) F
(c) 6
(d) %
(e) None of these

Q3. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a number?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three
(e) More than three

Q4. How many letters are there in the above arrangement which is immediately preceded and followed by a number?
(a) One
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) None
(e) More than three

Q5. If all the vowels of the word ‘PROMOTION’ are replaced by its succeeding letter according to the English alphabet and all the consonant are replaced with their previous letter according to the English alphabet, then which of the following letter is third from the right end after arranging all the letters in alphabetical order?
(a) M
(b) O
(c) P
(d) Q
(e) L

Directions (6-8): These questions are based on the following information-
‘A@B’ means ‘A is parent of B’
‘A#B’ means ‘A is child of B’
‘A$B’ means ‘A is brother of B’
‘A%B’ means ‘A is husband of B’
‘A&B’ means ‘A is wife of B’

Q6. If A&B$N#S&F@M is true, then how A is related to M?
(a) Sister
(b) Mother
(c) Daughter
(d) Sister-in-law
(e) Can’t be determined

Q7. If P%Q@R$S$T%U is true, then how P is related to U?
(a) Father
(b) Father-in-law
(c) Brother
(d) Brother-in-law
(e) Can’t be determined

Q8. In which of the following relation shows “F is the father of G” is true?
(a) F@D$G
(b) G#D%F
(c) G#D&F
(d) F@D&G
(e) None of these

Q9. How many such numerals are there in the number ‘578169324’ which will remain at the same position when arranged in descending order from left to right?
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) None
(e) More than three

Q10. There are five sisters Q, R, S, T and V and they have a different number of chocolates. R does not have the maximum number of chocolates. T has more chocolates than Q and S, who does not have the least number of chocolates. Only two sisters have more chocolates than T. V has more chocolates than T. Find who takes the maximum chocolates?
(a) T
(b) Q
(c) S
(d) V
(e) Can’t be determined


S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. 3rd to left of 4th from right end= 7th from right= F

S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. 5th to right of 18th from right end = 13th from right end= #

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. @I2

S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. 1 E 4, 3 A 6

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Given Word- PROMOTION
Applied given condition-OQPLPSJPM
Alphabetical order- JLMOPPPQS

Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -23rd July_3.1

S10. Ans. (d)
Sol. V>R>T>S>Q


Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -23rd July_5.1

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