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Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -16th July

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row–1 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2 P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
P sits third to the left of T. Neither P nor T sits at an extreme end of the line. A sits second to the right of E. Neither A nor E faces T or P. A does not sit at an extreme end. R does not face A and R does not sit at an extreme end of the line. One person sits between F and C. Neither F nor C faces T. C does not sit at the extreme end. One person sits between V and Q. F is not an immediate neighbour of B. A does not face V.

Q1. How many people sit to the right of V?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) No one
(e) Five

Q2. V is related to B in the same way as Q is related to C. Which of the following is related to P, following the same pattern?
(a) F
(b) A
(c) D
(d) E
(e) None of these

Q3. Which of the following is true regarding V?
(a) V does not face E
(b) T is not an immediate neighbour of V.
(c) C faces the one who is second to left of V
(d) V sits at one of the extreme ends of the line
(e) R sits third to the right of V

Q4. Who among the following sit at extreme ends of the rows?
(a) D, F
(b) V, S
(c) Q, S
(d) B, D
(e) None of these

Q5. Who among the following faces B?
(a) V
(b) S
(c) Q
(d) R
(e) T

Directions (6-10): Study the following information given below and answer the questions based on it.

A 5 @ D G # 2 J % $ E G N 1 7 @ & L J 5 1 @ 6 K P & 2 $ 4 V 5 6 @ 2 S 5 & M 6 P

Q6. Which of the following element will be sixth from the left end, when all the symbols are dropped and then starting thirteen elements are reversed?
(a) E
(b) N
(c) G
(d) 5
(e) None of these

Q7. How many symbols are there between the eighth element from the left end and tenth element from the right end?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) More than five
(e) Two

Q8. Which element is fourth to the left of the element which is eighth to the right of the one which is third from the extreme left end of the series?
(a) #
(b) @
(c) 2
(d) 7
(e) None of these

Q9. In the series, if the number 5 is inserted after every fifth element from the left end, then how many pairs are there in the series in which a letter is immediately followed by 5?
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) More than six
(e) None of these

Q10. If all the even numbers and vowels are dropped from the series and then the order of elements in the series gets reversed, which of the following element is sixth from the left end and ninth from the right end of the arrangement respectively?
(a) ’@’ and ‘G’
(b) ‘G’ and ‘6’
(c) ‘S’ and ‘N’
(d) ‘5’ and ‘$’
(e) None of these


Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -16th July |_3.1

S6. Ans. (c)
Sol.  If all the symbols are dropped, we will get:
A 5 D G 2 J E G N 1 7 L J 5 1 6 K P 2 4 V 5 6 2 S 5 M 6 P 
Now, if starting thirteen elements are reversed, we will get:
J L 7 1 N G E J 2 G D 5 A 5 1 6 K P 2 4 V 5 6 2 S 5 M 6 P 
Now, ‘G’ will be sixth element from the left end.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. Clearly, seven symbols are there between the eighth element from the left end which is J and tenth element from the right end which is 5.
A 5 @ D G # 2 J % $ E G N 1 7 @ & L J 5 1 @ 6 K P & 2 $ 4 V 5 6 @ 2 S 5 & M 6 P 

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. Third element from the left end = @
“E” is 8th to the right of “@”.
“2” is 4th to the left of “E”.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. If number 5 is inserted after every fifth element from the left end we will get:
A 5 @ D G 5 # 2 J % $5 E G N 1 7 5 @ & L J 5 5 1 @ 6 K P 5 & 2 $ 4 V 5 5 6 @ 2 S 5 5 & M 6 P 5
Clearly, now seven letters are immediately followed by 5.

S10. Ans. (a)
Sol. If all the even numbers and vowels are dropped from the series we will get:
5 @ D G # J % $ G N 1 7 @ & L J 5 1 @ K P & $ V 5 @ S 5 & M P 
Now, if the order of elements in the series gets reversed, we will get:
P M & 5 S @ 5 V $ & P K @ 1 5 J L & @ 7 1 N G $ % J # G D @ 5 
Now, ‘@’ is the sixth element from the left end of the arrangement. ‘G’ is the ninth element from the right end of the arrangement.


Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -16th July |_5.1


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