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Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th August

Direction (1-5): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
In a certain code language,
‘The Enjoy twisted beautiful’ is coded as ‘sw gb ak nk’
‘Twisted beautiful Enjoy one’ is coded as ‘gb ak sw sa’
‘Compare Life beautiful Just’ is coded as ‘na hi ga gb’
‘Evening Enjoy Meeting Life’ is coded as ‘ak ib fa ga’

Q1. What is the code for ‘Life’?
(a) na
(b) ib
(c) ak
(d) ga
(e) None of these

Q2. Which of the following may be the code for ‘Enjoy One’?
(a) ak sa
(b) ak ib
(c) sw gb
(d) ak sw
(e) None of these

Q3. What is the code for ‘twisted’?
(a) gb
(b) ib
(c) sw
(d) ak
(e) None of these

Q4. If ‘Compare’ is coded as ‘na’ then what is the code for ‘Just’?
(a) sw
(b) ib
(c) ak
(d) hi
(e) None of these

Q5. What is the code for ‘Evening Meeting’ in the given code language?
(a) ak sw
(b) fa ib
(c) ak ib
(d) gb nk
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language
‘Grabbling and target’ is written as ‘yo vo na’,
‘Team is higher’ is written as ‘sa ra ta’,
‘Target is bad’ is written as ‘la vo sa’,
‘Victory are grabbling’ is written as ‘yo ha ja’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘grabbling’?
(a) ja
(b) ha
(c) yo
(d) na
(e) None of these

Q7. ‘Victory are team’ can be written as
(a) ja ha ta
(b) ta ra ha
(c) ha ja ra
(d) Either (a) or (c)
(e) None of these

Q8. What is the code for ‘victory’?
(a) ja
(b) yo
(c) la
(d) ha
(e) Can’t be determined

Q9. What does ‘la’ stand for?
(a) is
(b) bad
(c) and
(d) are
(e) None of these

Q10. What is the code for ‘is’?
(a) ja
(b) yo
(c) sa
(d) ha
(e)None of these


Solutions (1-5):
Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th August |_3.1
S1. Ans.(d)
S2. Ans.(a)
S3. Ans.(c)
S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(b)

Solutions (6-10):
Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th August |_4.1
S6. Ans. (c)
S7. Ans. (d)
S8. Ans. (e)
S9. Ans. (b)
S10. Ans. (c)


Reasoning Ability Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 -08th August |_6.1


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