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RBI Office Attendant Salary 2021: Job Profile & Promotion, Perks, Salary Structure

RBI Office Attendant Salary: RBI has announced the result of RBI Office Attendant 2021 on its official website. The application was invited to recruit 841 candidates for office attendant all over the India. Candidates who have qualified the RBI Office Attendant exam might be very curious to know the RBI Office Attendant Salary and Job profile. Today in this article we will provide you the information related to RBI office attendant salary, allowance, salary structure job profile and promotion of RBI office attendant 2021.

Candidates will be selected for the RBI Office Attendant based on the online written examination followed by the language proficiency test. Read the article below to check the job profile and RBI Office Attendant Salary 2021.

RBI Office Attendant Salary: Check In-Hand Salary, Allowance and Salary Structure_3.1

The RBI has announced the result of RBI Office Attendant on 7 July 2021 on its official website. Candidates who have appeared in the RBI Office Attendant exam can check their result from the link mentioned below.

Click here to check RBI Office Attendant Result 2021

RBI office attendant the salary structure 2021

Candidates who will be selected as the RBI office attendant 2021 will draw a starting salary basic pay of rupees 10940/- per month on the scale of 10940 – 380 (4) – 12460 – 440 (3) – 13780 – 520 (3)- 15340- 690 (2) – 16720 – 860 (4) – 20160 – 1180 (1) – 23700 and RBI Office Attendant Salary also includes other allowances viz dearness allowance, house rent allowance, city compensatory allowance, grade allowance, etc. as admissible from time to time at present the initial monthly gross amusements for office assistant is approximately Rs 26508 office attendance who will not be set is staying in the accommodation provided by the bank will be eligible for house rent allowance at 15% of pay. 

RBI Office Attendant Job Profile 

As we all know RBI is one of the most prestigious Organization of India and it is a dream for many of the student to work in Reserve Bank of India now as the vacancies are announced for RBI office attendant it is a question with many of the student that what is the job profile for RBI office attendant show the RBI office attendant is class four types of employees in RBI, this will not be the similar job as a banker’s job in fact as an office attendant you will have to help the other officers in their day-to-day duties you have to keep files in an e orderly and organized way you may have to pass the official documents between various departments give me to make sure officers staff as all the basic leaves at their desk making entries of the letter of the incoming document for another official center.

RBI Office Attendant Promotion

If you are working in any of the organization or if you are applying for any of the posts you may be curious to know what is the promotion hierarchy followed by the organization for getting promoted from RBI office attendant to RBI assistant it will take time but yes you will get the promotion and the hierarchy will be followed as firstly you will be promoted from RBI office attendant to RBI assistant assistant manager base level then manager at middle-level assistant general manager Deputy General Manager and general manager this can be achieved with dedication and passion and it will take time for sure so if you are thinking to fill the form for the RBI office attendant recruitment you can feel the same as there are the chances for the promotion in the organization. 


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