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RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern for Phase I + Phase II

The RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern for Phase I and Phase II have been structured to assess candidates’ knowledge in Finance, Economics and General Awareness. The Phase I exam includes sections like General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Reasoning, while Phase II focuses on Economic & Social Issues (ESI), Finance & Management (FM), and English Descriptive Paper. Understanding the syllabus is crucial for strategic preparation. Check the detailed topic-wise syllabus and exam pattern to increase the chance of success in the RBI Grade B 2025 exam.

RBI Grade B Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

To fully understand the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025, it is important to know how the exam is set up. Here’s a quick summary of the syllabus. Aspirants can check the table below to see what’s included in the Syllabus, below is the overview of the RBI Grade B Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025.

RBI Grade B Syllabus
Organization Name Reserve Bank of India
Exam Name RBI Grade B 2025
Category Syllabus
Mode of Exam Online
Selection Process Phase 1 (Objective), Phase 2 (Descriptive), Phase 3 (Interview)
Negative Marking 0.25 marks (in objective type)
Language of Paper English and Hindi
Official Website rbi.org.in

RBI Grade B Selection Process 2025

The information on the RBI Grade B Selection Process is as important as the RBI Grade B Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Only after the candidates have clarity on selection can they truly understand the Syllabus and exam pattern. Here is the detailed selection process for the RBI Grade B Exam.

RBI Grade B Selection Process 2025
Exam Stages General (DR) DEPR DSIM
Phase-I Phase – I – Online Examination Phase – I – Paper I & II Online Examination Phase – I – Paper I Online Examination
Phase-II Phase – II – Paper I, II & III Online Examination Phase – II – Paper I & II Written Examination Phase – II – Paper II & III Online/Written Examination
Interview Yes Yes Yes

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2025

Candidates need to focus on key subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, and General Awareness for the RBI Grade B exam. Additionally, the exam pattern differs for various posts such as General (DR), DSIM and DEPR. Explore the comprehensive RBI Grade B Syllabus and Exam Pattern for General (DR), DEPR, and DSIM in the article provided.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for General (DR)

Here the candidates can check the detailed RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for all the stages of the examination. As mentioned above the RBI Grade B Exam has three stages for General (DR). Here is the detailed RBI Grade B Exam Pattern.

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam Pattern

Here is the detailed exam pattern for Phase I of the RBI Grade B Exam 2025.

  1. The RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam consists of a total of 200 questions, with each question carrying one mark.
  2. The maximum mark possible in the exam is 200 Marks.
  3. Candidates are given a total of 120 minutes or 2 hours to complete the exam.
  4. There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer marked by the candidate.
  5. The exam also has a sectional cut-off for each section of the exam, and candidates will have to clear both sectional cut-offs as well as the overall cut-off to qualify for the next stage.
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For Phase 1
Name Of The Section No. Of Questions  Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 25 Minutes
General Awareness 80 80 25 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 25 Minutes
Reasoning 60 60 45 Minutes
Total 200 200 120 Minutes

Note- The marks scored by candidates in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam will not be considered in the final merit list. The merit list will be based on the marks scored by candidates in the Phase 2 exam and the interview round.

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of the RBI Grade B exam is both objective and descriptive. Candidates can check the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam pattern from the table provided below. RBI Grade B exam pattern for phase 2 consists of Economic and Social Issues, English, and General Finance & Management.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For Phase 2
Name Of Paper Type Of Paper Time No. Of Qs Marks
Economic and Social Issues
50% Objective 30 Minutes 30 Objective Questions 50
50% Descriptive 90 Minutes 4 Descriptive Questions 50
English (Writing Skills)
Descriptive 90 Minutes 3 100
General Finance & Management
50% Objective 120 Minutes 30 Objective Questions 50
50% Descriptive  4 Descriptive Questions 50

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for DEPR

  1. The process for selecting candidates for RBI Grade B (DR)- DEPR involves an Online/Written Examination and an Interview.
  2. In Phase I, Paper I is Objective Type (on Economics), while Paper II is Descriptive Type (on English). In Phase II, Paper I & Paper II are Descriptive Types (on Economics).
  3. Candidates must score the minimum aggregate marks in Paper I, II of Phase I, to be shortlisted for Paper II Exam.
  4. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in Phase I, II, and the Interview round. The Interview round will carry 75 marks.
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For DEPR
Phase  Name Of Paper Duration Maximum Marks
Phase I Paper – I Objective Type (on Economics)

Paper – II English – Descriptive
(To be typed with the help of a keyboard)

120 Minutes 100
120 Minutes 100
Phase II Paper – I Descriptive Type (on Economics) (Question paper displayed on computer, answers to be written on paper)

Paper – II Descriptive Type (on Economics) (Question paper displayed on the computer, answers to be written on paper)

120 Minutes 100
120 Minutes 100
Total 400

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern For DSIM

  1. The process for selecting candidates for RBI Grade B (DR)- DSIM involves an Online/Written Examination and an Interview.
  2. The Examination consists of three papers. Paper I is Objective Type (on Statistics), while Paper II and III are descriptive types.
  3. Candidates must score the minimum aggregate marks in Paper I as prescribed, to be shortlisted for Paper II/III based on their Paper I scores.
  4. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in Paper I, II & III, and the Interview round. The Interview round will be carried for 75 marks.
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for DSIM
Paper Duration Marks
Phase I Paper-I Statistics (Objective Type) 120 minutes 100
Phase II Paper-II Statistics (Descriptive Type)

(Question paper displayed on a computer, answers to be written on paper)

180 minutes 100
Paper-III English (Descriptive)
(To be typed with the help of a keyboard)
90 minutes 100
 Total 300

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025

The RBI Grade B syllabus covers topics from various subjects such as General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning. It also covers Economic and Social Issues, Finance and Management and includes descriptive papers for Phase II of the exam. Candidates should start preparing early to understand each section thoroughly. The RBI Grade B Exam comprises three categories: General (DR), DSIM and DEPR. The General (DR) exam includes sections on Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and General Awareness. Below, you will find a detailed RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern to help you prepare effectively.

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DR (General)

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for Phase 1 has four subjects. You can access here the section-wise syllabus for RBI Grade B.

  1. English Language
  2. General Awareness
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
  4. Reasoning Ability

RBI Grade B Phase I Syllabus For General (DR)

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for Phase I General (DR) comprises a total of four sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Here is the detailed topic-wise distribution for the phase 1 exam.

RBI Grade B Syllabus For Phase I General (DR)
English Language Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude General Awareness
Reading Comprehension Puzzles Data Interpretation Indian Banking Systems
Cloze Test Seating Arrangements Inequalities (Quadratic Equations) Indian Financial Systems
Fillers Direction Sense Number Series Govt. Schemes and Policies
Error Detection Blood Relation Approximation or Simplification Current Affairs
Vocabulary based questions Syllogism Data Sufficiency Static Awareness
Sentence Improvement Order and Ranking Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems Monetary Plans
Jumbled Paragraph Coding-Decoding Quantity Comparison (Q1 & Q2) National Institutions
Phrase Replacement/ Phrase Correction Machine Input-Output Banking Terms
Match The Column Inequalities
Word Swap Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
Word Rearrangement Data Sufficiency
Idioms Logical Reasoning (Passage Inference, Statement,
Assumption, Conclusion, Argument)
Paragraph /Sentences Restatement
Paragraph Based Questions
Paragraph Fillers

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 and Exam Pattern for Phase I + Phase II_3.1

RBI Grade B Phase II Syllabus For General (DR)

In the Phase 2 exam of the RBI Grade B officer, there are 3 Papers viz.

  • Paper I (Economic and Social Issues)
  • Paper II (English Writing Skills)
  • Paper III (General Finance and Management)

We have shared the detailed updated RBI Grade B Syllabus for Phase 2.

RBI Grade B Syllabus For Phase II Paper 1 General (DR): Economic and Social Issues

The detailed topic-wise syllabus for RBI Grade B Phase 2 Paper I for Economic and Social Issues is provided below:

Syllabus For Economic and Social Issues

Category Key Topics
Growth & Development National Income & Per Capita Income
Poverty Alleviation & Employment
Sustainable Development & Environment
Economic Landscape Economic History
Industrial & Labor Policy Changes
Monetary & Fiscal Policy (Post-1991 Reforms)
Economic Survey & Union Budget Priorities
Financial System Money & Financial Markets
Role of Banks & Reserve Bank of India
Public Finance
Political Economy’s Influence
Economic Sectors Industrial Developments
Importance of Agriculture
Services Sector Growth
Globalization Opening Up of Indian Economy
Balance of Payments Explained
Export-Import Policy
International Economic Institutions (IMF, World Bank, WTO)
Regional Economic Cooperation & International Issues
Social Structure India’s Multiculturalism
Demographic Trends & Analysis
Urbanization & Migration Impact
Gender Issues & Social Justice

RBI Grade B Syllabus For Phase II Paper 2 General(DR): English Writing Skills

The RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for Phase 2 Paper II will be descriptive. The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic

RBI Grade B Syllabus For Phase II Paper 3 General(DR): General Finance and Management

The RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for Phase 2 and Paper III includes General Finance and Management. We have shared the detailed topic-wise syllabus for the convenience of the aspirants:

Syllabus For Finance and Management

Category Topics
Financial System Structure and Functions Of Financial Institutions
Functions Of the Reserve Bank of India
Banking System in India – Structure and Developments, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, NaBFID etc.
Recent Developments in the Global Financial System and its Impact on the Indian Financial System
Role Of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
Non-Banking System
Developments in Digital Payments
Financial Markets Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), function, instruments, recent developments.
General Topics Financial Risk Management
Basics of Derivatives
Global financial markets and International Banking-broad trends and latest developments
Financial Inclusion
Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector
The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements- Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis
Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI -components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.
 Management Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour
Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought
Management functions and Managerial roles
Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour; Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big Five model of personality
Perception: concept, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories and process theories
Leadership: Concept, Theories
Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions
Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship
Conflict: Concepts, Sources, Types, Management of conflict
Organizational Development (OD)
Ethics At The Workplace and Corporate Governance
Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business
Theories of ethics
Ethical principles in Business
Corporate Governance

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DEPR

The syllabus for RBI Grade B (DR) DEPR is as per the specialization. The syllabus pertains to core economics and is generally similar to the syllabus for a Master’s Degree in economics.

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DEPR
Category Topics
Financial System Structure and Functions Of Financial Institutions
Functions Of the Reserve Bank of India
Banking System in India – Structure and Developments, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, NaBFID etc.
Recent Developments in the Global Financial System and its Impact on the Indian Financial System
Role Of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
Non-Banking System
Developments in Digital Payments
Financial Markets Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), function, instruments, recent developments.
General Topics Financial Risk Management
Basics of Derivatives
Global financial markets and International Banking-broad trends and latest developments
Financial Inclusion
Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector
The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements- Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis
Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI -components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.
 Management Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour
Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought
Management functions and Managerial roles
Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour; Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big Five model of personality
Perception: concept, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories and process theories
Leadership: Concept, Theories
Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions
Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship
Conflict: Concepts, Sources, Types, Management of conflict
Organizational Development (OD)
Ethics At The Workplace and Corporate Governance
Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business
Theories of ethics
Ethical principles in Business
Corporate Governance

RBI Grade B Syllabus for DEPR

The syllabus for RBI Grade B (DR) DEPR is as per the specialization. The syllabus pertains to core economics and is generally similar to the syllabus for a Master’s Degree in economics.

Phase 1: Paper 1 Objective Type (on Economics)


Module Topics
Microeconomics Theories of consumer’s demand; Production; Market Structures and Pricing; Distribution; and Welfare Economics
Macroeconomics Theories of Employment, Output and Inflation; Monetary Economics; ISLM Model; Schools of Economic Thought
International Economics Theories of International Trade; Balance of Payments; Exchange Rate Models
Theories of Economic Growth Classical neo-classical approaches to economic growth and major theories of economic development
Public Finance Theories of taxation and public expenditure and Public Debt Management
Environmental Economics Green GDP, Environmental Valuation, Environmental policy instruments
Quantitative Methods in Economics Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Economics, Ordinary Least Square Regression
Current Developments in the Indian Economy Growth, inflation, poverty, unemployment, financial sector developments, external sector developments, fiscal developments, agriculture, industry, infrastructure, and services

Phase 1: Paper 2 Descriptive Type (in English)

The English paper will evaluate the candidate’s writing abilities, including their expression and comprehension of the given topic.

Phase 2: Paper 1 Descriptive Type (on Economics)

Microeconomic Module

Microeconomic Module

Topic Description
Consumer Theory Cardinal and Marginal Utility Analysis, Consumer Surplus, Indifference Curve Analysis, Price, Income and Substitution Effects, Game Theory
Production Theory Forms of Production function; Laws of Returns to Scale; Partial Equilibrium Vs General Equilibrium Analysis
Market Theory Pricing under different market structures
Distribution Theories Ricardo, Marx, Kalecki, and Kaldor
Welfare Economics Pareto Optimality, Schools of Welfare Thought including Arrow, Coase, and Sen

Macroeconomic Module

Macroeconomic Module

Topic Description
National Income Accounting Various methods for measurement of National Income
Theory of Employment and Output Classical and Neo-classical approaches, Keynesian theory of Employment and output, Post-Keynesian developments, Business Cycles
Inflation Types of Inflation, Philip’s curve, Taylor’s Rule, Lucas Critique
Money and Banking Quantity theory of Money, Neutrality of money, IS-LM Model and AD-AS Models, Money Multiplier, Monetary Policy
Theories of Economic Growth Theories of growth, Classical and neoclassical approaches, Theories of Economic Development
International trade and Balance of payments Theories of international trade, Determination of exchange rates, Impossible Trinity
Public Finance Theories of taxation, Theories of public expenditure, Theories of public debt management

Phase 2: Paper 2 Descriptive Type (on Economics)

Module on Quantitative Methods in Economics

Module on Quantitative Methods in Economics



Mathematical Methods in Economics

Differentiation and Integration, Optimisation, Sets, Matrices, Linear algebra and Linear programming
Statistical Methods in Economics Measures of central tendency and dispersions, Probability, Time series, and Index numbers.
Econometrics and Advanced Applications Regression analysis, Panel data econometrics, Time Series econometrics, Basics of Bayesian Econometrics, Basic application of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

The module on Indian Economy – Policy and Trends

The module on Indian Economy – Policy and Trends


Fiscal policy in India Evolution, scope and limitations, current trends
Monetary Policy in India Evolution, Functions of the Reserve Bank of India, MonetaryFiscal coordination, Inflation targeting, Operating framework of Monetary Policy, Current trends
Banking and financial sector development in India Banks and other constituents of Indian financial markets and related developments, Current trends
Inflation in India Trends and drivers
External sector developments in India Exchange rate management, external debt, Balance of payments, Current trends

RBI Grade B Syllabus For DSIM

RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for DSIM comprises three papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. Candidates aspiring for the RBI Grade B 2025 DSIM Posts must be familiar with the topics to be covered in each of the papers.

Paper 1

Paper 1

Module Topics
Probability and Sampling Definition of Probability, Standard distribution, Large and small sample theory, Analysis of Variance, Estimation, Testing of Hypotheses, Multivariate analysis, and Stochastic Processes

Paper 2

Questions would cover (i) Probability and Sampling, (ii) Linear Models and Economic Statistics, (iii) Statistical Inference: Estimation, Testing of hypothesis and Non-parametric Test, (iv) Stochastic Processes, (v) Multivariate analysis, (vi) Econometrics and time series, (vii) Statistical computing; and (viii) Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques.

Candidates will have ample options to answer the mandatory number of questions from a minimum of three out of the eight groups mentioned above. Here is the detailed syllabus for RBI Grade B Syllabus for DSIM.

Paper 2

Module Topics
Probability and Sampling Theory of Probability and Probability Distributions, Sampling Theory
Linear Models and Economic Statistics Simple linear regression, Multiple regression, Measurement of economic inequality
Statistical Inference Estimation, Testing of Hypothesis and Non-Parametric Test
Stochastic Processes Poisson Processes, Markov Chains, Brownian Motion
Multivariate Analysis Multivariate normal distribution, Canonical correlation analysis, Principal components analysis, Factor analysis and cluster analysis
Econometrics and Time Series General linear model, Autocorrelation, Simultaneous linear equations model, Box-Jenkins models, ARCH/GARCH models
Statistical computing Simulation techniques, Resampling methods, Robust linear regression, Neural Networks, Association Rules, Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques Supervised and unsupervised pattern classification, Regression and Classification algorithms, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing

Paper 3: English

The English paper will be designed to evaluate the candidate’s writing abilities, including their expression and comprehension of the given topic.

How do I complete the RBI Grade B syllabus?

Completing the RBI Grade B syllabus requires a structured approach. First, carefully review the syllabus to understand all the topics you need to cover. Use recommended textbooks and study materials to thoroughly grasp each topic. It’s essential to focus on understanding concepts rather than just memorizing information.

To effectively prepare, solve previous years’ question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format and types of questions asked. Create a monthly study plan that outlines what you need to cover each month, ensuring you allocate enough time to each subject.

Break down the syllabus into weekly goals so you can cover it systematically. Set daily study targets to keep yourself on track and ensure consistent progress. By staying disciplined and following your study plan diligently, you can effectively complete the RBI Grade B syllabus within your desired timeframe. Regular revision and practice are also key to reinforcing your understanding and preparing well for the exam.

RBI Grade B Interview Round

The RBI Grade B Interview Round is the final step in the selection process. It takes place after candidates pass the Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams. Only those who meet the required scores will be called for the interview, which is of 75 marks. Candidates can choose to speak in Hindi or English. A panel of five senior officers will ask related to the questions about the candidate’s background, education and current events. If a candidate passes the interview and group discussion, they will also need to take a medical test to check their fitness.

RBI Grade B Marking Scheme

In the RBI Grade B exam, for every incorrect answer in the multiple-choice questions, 1/4 of the marks for that question will be taken off as a penalty. This means you’ll lose a quarter of the points for each wrong answer.

RBI Grade B Exam Preparation Tips

To prepare for the RBI Grade B exam, first make a study plan that covers important topics. Focus more on areas where you need improvement. Use one or two trusted study materials recommended by RBI to keep things simple. Take mock tests regularly to get familiar with the exam format and build confidence. Practice with sample papers to work on your speed and time management. Stay positive, and don’t let setbacks discourage you. Take breaks and get enough sleep to stay sharp and focused.

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Is RBI Grade B very difficult?

Yes, the RBI Grade B exam is considered quite tough. It is highly competitive and tests a wide range of topics including economics, banking, and finance. Many candidates find it challenging due to the level of preparation and understanding required to succeed.

Will the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 will vary for different posts?

Yes, the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 will vary as per the posts such as General (DR), DSIM and DEPR.

Is there will be negative marking in RBI Grade B Exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in the RBI Grade B exam. For each incorrect answer, a quarter of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted. This means it’s important to be careful and only answer questions you’re confident about.

What are the subjects covered in the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for General(DR)?

The subjects covered in the RBI Grade B Syllabus 2025 for General(DR) are English Language, General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, etc.

Is there Interview in the RBI Grade B Exam 2025?

Yes, there is an interview for the RBI Grade B Exam 2025. Candidates who apply for the General (DR), DEPR and DSIM posts will need to attend an interview after passing the written exam. This interview is an important part of the selection process.

Can a beginner crack RBI Grade B?

Yes, a beginner can crack the RBI Grade B exam with the right preparation. By following a structured study plan, focusing on key topics, practicing with mock tests and staying dedicated, even those new to the exam can succeed.

What is the syllabus for RBI Grade B?

The RBI Grade B exam syllabus covers General Awareness (current affairs, economics), English Language (grammar and comprehension), Quantitative Aptitude (arithmetic and data interpretation), and Reasoning Ability (logical puzzles). For Phase 2, there are additional topics on economics and finance.

What are the important topics for RBI Grade B Reasoning section?

Important topics for the RBI Grade B Reasoning section include Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Input-Output, Logical Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Inequality, and Coding-Decoding. Candidates should practice these areas, especially Seating Arrangements, as it carries significant weight in the exam.