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RBI Grade B Phase 2: Key Areas For Finance and Management

RBI conducts exam for RBI Grade B every year. This year, RBI conducted the exam for RBI Grade B Phase I on 9th November 2019. RBI has already released RBI Grade B Result for Phase 1 on 18th November 2019. Candidates who have made through the Phase 1 Exam must have started their preparation for the Phase 2 already. RBI Grade B Exam for Phase 2 is to be held on 1st and 2nd December 2019. This article is dedicated to provide you with the last week tips for Finadnce and Management of RBI Grade B (General) Phase 2 which is to be conducted on 1st December 2019.

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam 2019: Know everything about exam_3.1

Student who are preparing for RBI Grade B (General) must be aware of the Exam Pattern of Phase. We are still providing you with the RBI Grade B (General) Phase 2 Exam Pattern:

Name of the Paper Type of the Paper Time (Mins) Marks
Paper I (Economic & Social Issues) Objective Type 90 100
Paper II (English- Writing Skills) Descriptive (to be typed with the help of keyboard) 90 100
Paper III (Finance & Management) Objective Type 90 100

Last Week Preparation Guide For Finance and Management (Paper 3)

RBI Grade B is not an easy nut to crackle. With only few days left in the examination, we have come up with some general last week tips that can help you in cracking the RBI Grade B Phase 2 (Paper 3). Before diving deep into the key areas. Lets see the distribution of questions and marks as per the trends.

RBI Grade B Phase 2 (Paper 3 ) Trend:

  • Finance and Management is together constituted in the Paper 3 of RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam and they have a weightage of 100 marks with 65 questions.
  • The time alloted to this Paper is 90 minutes.
  • There are paragraph format of questions.
  • Talking about the marks breakage, 30 questions out of 65 carries 1 marks each and rest of the 35 questions carries 2 marks each.
  • If we break Paper 3 into 2 parts, the things can become more simple. The 2 parts being Finance that carries almost around 60 marks and Management that carries 40 to 42 marks.
  • In Finance, current affairs has a major role to play. There is a weightage of 20-25 marks of current affairs in finance.

Scoring Topics and Sources

If you have gone through the syllabus once and you are not able to deal with the last week stress. We have come up with some topics that forma a major portion of the pattern and will land you safely through the RBI Grade B Phase II Exam. The topics are divided in Finance and Management separately.


Finance section has more wieghtage and can be covered with current affairs. Finance section has numerical as well so student can have a penetrating look at the previous year’s paper of RBI Grade B Phase II Exam. The important topics of Finance:

  • Current Affairs (Finance news, economics news): As only few days are left for the exam, you can refer to videos and monthly magazine that can help you get a glimpse of every important updates. The current affairs from January onward should be considered but with only a week left for the exam, you can look for the current affairs from the month of May onward.
  • Budget: With one week in your bucket, refer to the summary of Budget Speech for an enhanced view.
  • Union Budget Summary Part A
  • Union Budget Summary Part B
  • Ratio: This is the most important topic of the finance section. You can refer to Chapter 5 of Accounts Part 2 of NCERT.
  • Monetary Policy: Read all the reforms and policies related to monetary policy with the committees formation.
  • Financial System: This is another important topic that demands your attention. There are two division in it: Captial market and Money market. Go through both of them. Revise it thoroughly.
  • Changing Landscape of Banking Sector
  • Digital Banking
  • Priority Sector Banking
  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy


Management is the section that can does not have current affairs as a priority. So, candidates must read the management theories. You can Google the topic of the syllabus to get an overview. The important topics of management for RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam:

  • Leadership
  • Communication

Both these topics covers at least 15-20 marks in the paper that can sail you through the exam.

General Tips

  • Go through the previous year’s paper and solve them religiously.
  • Attempt online mock test to maintain speed and accuracy.
  • Do not hassle in the last week, revise whatever you have learnt.
  • Read all the topics given here seriously as they are the key areas to focus on.

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RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam 2019: Know everything about exam_4.1

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam 2019: Know everything about exam_5.1

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