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RBI Assistant Expected Cut Off and good attempts For Prelims 2020

RBI Assistant Cut off Prelims 2020

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2020 was conducted by the Reserve Bank of India on 14th February and 15th February in four shifts. All the candidates who have appeared for the exam, must be waiting for the analysis and RBI Assistant expected cut off. RBI will release official cut off later but based on our analysis, we have come up with the expected cut off for RBI Assistant Exam. This cut off prediction will help the candidates to know the chances of their selections in the prelims exam. Candidates who will qualify prelims will have to appear for the second stage i.e. RBI Assistant Mains for 926 vacancies of Assistants.

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2020: FAQs 

Q1: Does RBI assistant have sectional cut off?

Ans 1: RBI Assistant Exam Pattern has two phase of Online Examination i.e. Prelims and Mains followed by Language Proficiency Test. The sectional and overall RBI Assistant Cut Off score will be declared in the online mode in the form of marks.

Q2: Is RBI assistant exam tough?

Ans 2: RBI Assistant exam is not very difficult. You can go for it or for any other test series. So RBI Assistant exam is not tough all one has to be quick and accurate in solving the question paper.

Q3: What is the salary of RBI assistant?

Ans 3: The RBI Assistant Salary for the assistant post is approx Rs.32,000/- per month including all the perks and allowances. The annual breakdown of the RBI Assistant salary is about Rs. 3,80,000/- per annum

The level of RBI Assistant prelims held today in all the shifts was Easy.  Most of the serious candidates were able to attempt 80+ questions. The examination was based on traditional pattern (banking/insurance). No new pattern questions appeared. The legacy of prominent topics like Simplication, Number Series, Syllogism, Alpha-numeric series, Word usage, Error detection continued.

Taking into account the above factors, ADDA247 has predicted the RBI Assistant prelims cut off 2020. RBI Assistant Prelims cut-off will be released zone-wise i.e. different for different zones.

RBI Assistant Prelims 2020: Good Attempts

We have collected the analysis and review from students who have appeared for the RBI Assistant Prelims 2020 exam on 14th February 2020 and following table shows section-wise good attempts (in terms of questions attempted):

Shift 1 Good Attempts:

Subject Good Attempt Time (in min.)
English Language 25 – 28 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 29 – 32 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 24 – 27 20 minutes
Total 83 – 91 60 minutes

Shift 2 Good Attempts:

Subject Good Attempt Time (in min.)
English Language 26 – 28 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 27 – 31 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 23 – 28 20 minutes
Total 81 – 89 60 minutes

Shift 3 Good Attempts:

bject Good Attempt Time (in min.)
English Language 23 – 26 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 31 – 34 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 23 – 25 20 minutes
Total 84 – 89 60 minutes

RBI Assistant prelims 2020 cut-off will depend on the following factors:

  • Total number of vacancies in a particular zone.
  • Number of candidates who have applied from a particular zone.
  • Level of the examination.
  • Avaerage Good Attempts of the candidates taking into account accuracy.

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut off 2020: Check Zone wise expected cut off

The zone-wise expected cut-off of RBI Assistant Prelims 2020 is as follows:

Zone Expected Cut -off (General) OBC SC ST
Ahmedabad 82.75 80.50 78.00 77.50
Bengaluru 81.00 80.00 NA 77.25
Bhopal 90.50 87.75 86.00 85.50
Bhubaneswar 87.00 84.50 85.00 84.50
Chandigarh 94.50 92.75 89.75 NA
Chennai 86.50 84.50 82.00 NA
Guwahati 82.00 79.50 78.00 76.50
Hyderabad 90.00 88.00 86.00 85.50
Jaipur 91.25 89.00 87.00 85.25
Jammu 81.75 81.25 NA 80.75
Kanpur & Lucknow 90.00 88.25 86.25 NA
Kolkata 79.50 NA 78.00 NA
Mumbai 80.00 75.50 72.75 69.50
Nagpur 87.50 NA 87.00 86.00
New Delhi 90.50 88.75 86.50 NA
Patna 88.75 87.00 86.50 NA
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 89.00 88.00 87.50 NA

The Memory Based Paper with Solutions for RBI Assistant Prelims 2020 Exam will be available on Bankersadda Soon!! Click here to register to get Memory Based Paper

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