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RBI Assistant Mains Preparation Strategy 2020

RBI Assistant Mains Strategy 2020- Reserve Bank Of India has released the notice stating that the main examination for the recruitment of assistants is postponed due to coronavirus. Revised date is yet to be announced. RBI this year has released 926 vacancies to recruit assistants and Mains is the final stage of the recruitment process. If you are going to appear for RBI Assistant Mains then keep on reading as here we are discussing key points that can be useful for your preparation.

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  • Start Testing Yourself with Mock Tests

    This is a one step solution to prepare for Mains. As you have cleared the Prelims, it means that your basics are clear and you just require the practice of the type of questions asked in Mains exam. Giving a mock would tell you exactly how much time will you get to attempt the questions of one section and also the type of questions asked in exam.

    You will also get familiar with the kind of language used in asking the questions. Though the time given per section in mains is ample. Focus should be on solving the questions with accuracy. Best way to get the reliable sources is to attempt the mock test by Adda247. These tests are true to the actual exam level and also comes with video solution to clear all your doubts.

    Your Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English language section can be covered for the main exam from these mocks itself and you don’t have to use any other source.

    Start Preparing for General Awareness

    This section though should be prepare from the beginning. But if you are one of them who have not started yet. Then need not to worry. Bankersadda is there to help you out with our monthly GK digest and Our Power Capsule. We have released our GA Power Capsule For RBI Assistant Mains 2020 as well. It will act as a catalyst in your General Awareness section preparation. Attempt our Daily GK Quiz to keep yourself updated of all the news. You can also watch videos of best 600 questions on our Adda247 YouTube channel by our expert who will also tell you the tricks to remember them.

    Acing the Computer Awareness Section

    This is one such section which can fetch you  full marks. The key to excel in this section is to focus more on the previously asked topics. Read them thoroughly first. You can easily cover this section in this given period of time as the syllabus is limited. It just required multiple revisions. For better preparation of this section, you can refer to Ace Computer Aptitude by Adda247.

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