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RBI Assistant Mains English Daily Mock 18th February 2020 Miscellaneous Practice Set

RBI had released advertisement for 926 posts of Assistant and now the prelims are over. Students should start preparing for RBI Assistant Mains 2020. Do not let this opportunity slip away. Adda 247 will provide you daily English Mock of “RBI Assistant Mains Daily English Mock 18th February 2020. From now on, Adda 247 will provide students with Mocks for RBI Assistant Mains that will help you to practice maximum topics in minimum time. In today’s Mock, we have a Column Sentences Filler and Error Detection (Sentence based) based Practice Set. Stay tuned with bankersadda to get  English Quiz and boost your preparation for the upcoming bank exam. You can also prepare with the study plan for  RBI Assistant available on the bankersadda website.

Directions (1-7): In the following paragraphs two words have been omitted from each paragraph. Three words have been suggested for each blank in two columns. Choose the set of words that will make the paragraph grammatically correct and contextually coherent.

Q1. Enthusing his admirers and ______________ detractors, Arvind Kejriwal took ______________as Chief Minister of Delhi for a third time in six years.
(A) Unkind
(B) Infuriating
(C) Lone
(D) Oath
(E) Concerned
(F) Trusting
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q2. There was a massive ______________against the hiring, by Indian political ______________, of Cambridge Analytica, a data mining and analytics firm.
(A) Shapely
(B) Noisy
(C) Outcry
(D) Correct
(E) Parties
(F) Assemblies
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q3. It is ______________that the police and the bureaucracy appear to act in ______________disregard for basic rights.
(A) Healthy
(B) Regrettable
(C) Furious
(D) Wanton
(E) Restrained
(F) Simple
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q4. To invoke the NSA in cases where sections of the IPC would ______________is to undermine its ______________as a tool to protect national security.
(A) Certain
(B) Placid
(C) Suffice
(D) Dynamic
(E) Efficacy
(F) Insolent
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q5. The informational ______________of the voter is under serious threat because the entire business of ______________personal data continues to remain unregulated.
(A) Autonomy
(B) Original
(C) Uninteresting
(D) Collecting
(E) Veteran
(F) Promising
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q6. While innovators have ______________to develop more advanced technologies, the ______________have never been able to catch up with it.
(A) Violence
(C) Sophisticated
(D) Pleasant
(E) Activators
(F) Regulators
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Q7. Google maps shows two different ______________of Kashmir: one for users accessing the Internet from India and one for those outside the ______________border of the country.
(A) Versions
(B) Inappropriate
(C) Energetic
(D) Barren
(E) Geographical
(F) Confuse
(a) A-D
(b) C-E
(c) B-F
(d) B-D
(e) A-E

Directions (8-12): There are three sentences given in each question. Find the sentence(s) which is/are grammatically correct and mark your answer choosing the best possible alternative among the five given below each question. If all sentences are correct, choose (e) i.e., “all are correct” as your answer choice.

(I) The electoral process in India is becoming increasingly advance in terms of use of data.
(II) Having made bus rides free for women, the AAP government has to now make sure there is enough buses.
(III) If the proposed institution is to make a real difference, then it must partner with educational institutions across the country.
(a) only (I)
(b) only (II)
(c) only (III)
(d) both (II) and (III)
(e) All are correct

(I) The present variant of strident nationalism has a new complication in the form of digital multiplications and algorithm-driven manipulation.
(II) In a fast-changing global environment, resources need to be concentrated on a limited number of objectives, to be achieved within a defined time-frame.
(III) The scheme of 20,000 litres of free water to every household every month will be continued, but the quality of that supply needs to be consistent.
(a) only (I)
(b) only (II)
(c) only (III)
(d) both (II) and (III)
(e) All are correct

(I) The Delhi Chief Minister will also need to focus on working with his counterparts in neighbouring Haryana and Uttar Pradesh to deal with the cities problems.
(II) There are infinite contours of this information age; hence, the scope of a data protection framework also needs to be sensitive towards the magnitude of a variety of data usage.
(III) A fresh departmental inquiry was ordered against him for “spreading misinformation” about probe report.
(a) only (I)
(b) only (II)
(c) only (III)
(d) both (II) and (III)
(e) All are correct

(I) There are extremely well-crafted techniques when it comes to electoral campaigning.
(II) In the Internet age, any data protection law must be alive to the potential impact of social media companies in shaping public opinion.
(III) The author wrote an essay called “Notes on nationalism” which listed out the various blinkers generated by the notion of nationalism.
(a) only (I)
(b) only (II)
(c) only (III)
(d) both (II) and (III)
(e) All are correct

(I) Digital tools are used for enhancing democracy through citizen engagement, and not for harvesting personal data for voter targeting.
(II) Consequent administrative innovations by his government improve many lives and paid him rich electoral dividends in Delhi.
(III) The politicians of today’s age leave no stone unturn while canvassing for votes.
(a) only (I)
(b) only (II)
(c) only (III)
(d) both (II) and (III)
(e) All are correct


S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Infuriating’ and ‘oath’. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.
Infuriating- making one extremely angry and impatient.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Outcry and ‘Parties’. Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

S3. Ans. (d)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Regrettable and ‘Wanton’. Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.
Wanton- (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.

S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Suffice’ and ‘Efficacy’. Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.
Suffice- be enough or adequate.
Placid- not easily upset or excited.
Efficacy- the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
Insolent- showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.

S5. Ans. (a)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Autonomy’ and ‘Collecting’. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

S6. Ans. (c)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Continued’ and ‘Regulators’. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S7. Ans. (e)
Sol. Among the given words, the most suitable combination to fill in the given blanks will be ‘Versions’ and ‘Geographical’. Hence, option (e) is the most suitable answer choice.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. Here the statement (III) is grammatically correct.
Statement (II): is will be replaced by are.
Statement (I): Advance will be replaced by Advanced.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S9. Ans. (d)
Sol. Both Statement (II) and (III) are grammatically correct.
Statement (I): manipulation will be replaced by manipulations to maintain the parallelism.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.

S10. Ans. (b)
Sol. Statement (II) is grammatically correct.
Statement (I): Cities will be replaced by city’s.
Statement (III): The will be used before probe report.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S11. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given sentences are all grammatically correct. Hence, option (e) is the right answer choice.

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. Only statement (I) is grammatically correct.
Statement (II): improve will be replaced by improved.
Statement (III): unturn will be replaced by unturned.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

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