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RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 Good Attempts

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023 has been scheduled to be conducted by the Reserve Bank Of India on 18 and 19 November 2023. The first 2 shifts of 18 November has been successfully held and now we have come up with the RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3. According to the candidates who attempted the paper in 3rd Shift found the difficulty level to be Easy. The given post comprises the detailed RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3

The different aspects that a candidate get to know through the RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023 are difficulty level, good attempts, and section-wise analysis. The team of Bankersadda interacted with the aspirants who had their examination in the 3rd Shift on 18 November and then has provided the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023. The analysis will also prove to be beneficial for candidates having their exam on 19 November 2023.

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Difficulty Level

After communicating with the aspirants, we have anticipated the difficulty level of RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, Shift 3, 18 November to be Easy. Candidates were able to attempt each of the sections in the given time frame maintaining the speed and accuracy. To know the section-wise level, candidates can refer the below table.

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Difficulty Level
Sections Difficulty level
English language Easy
Reasoning Ability Easy
Numerical Ability Easy
Overall Easy

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Good Attempts

After each shift of RBI Assistant aspirants are curious to know the Good Attempts. In the given section, we have discussed the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 Good Attempts section-wise as well as overall. The average attempts helps an aspirant to get an idea of where they stand and will they be able to qualify for the preliminary phase of the recruitment process and be eligible for the Mains Exam.

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November: Good Attempts
Section No. Of Good attempts
Numerical Ability 28-31
Reasoning Ability 30-33
English language 25-28
Overall 89-95

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November: Section-Wise Analysis

After analyzing the RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 Difficulty Level and Good Attempts candidates should also be acquainted with the section-wise analysis. A total of 3 sections are asked in the preliminary round, i.e. English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. Candidates can refer below for the detailed RBI Assistant Prelims Section-wise Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Reasoning Ability

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3, Reasoning Ability topic-wise distribution has been discussed below. According to the aspirants, the level of the questions asked was Easy. Out of the total 35 questions, maximum were from the topic of Puzzle and Seating Arrangement.

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November: Reasoning Ability
Topics Number of Questions
 Circular Seating Arrangement(8 Persons) 5
Floor Based Puzzle(8 Floors) 5
Box Based Puzzle(7 Boxes) 5
Inequality 4
Blood Relation 3
Odd One Out 1
 Number Series 5
Mixed Series 5
Word Formation 1
Pair Formation 1
Total 35

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November: Numerical Ability

In the Numerical Ability section, there were a total of 35 questions for a maximum of 35 marks and to solve them time period of 20 minutes was allotted. As expected, candidates found the level of section to be Easy. Check out the given table for RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3, for Numerical Ability.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Numerical Ability
Topic Number of Questions
Simplification 15
Missing Number Series 5
Arithmetic 10
Bar Graph DI 5
Total 35

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: English Language

The questions asked in the English Language section for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 was Easy. In a time limit of 20 minutes candidates had to solve 30 questions for a maximum of 30 marks. The topic wise distribution of question has been mentioned below.

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 3, 18 November: English Language
Topics Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension(Story Based) 9
Error Detection 5
 Fillers 5
Misspelt 5
Para Jumble(Story Based, General) 6
Total 30

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3: Video Link

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

The examination pattern for RBI Assistant Prelims 2023 has been mentioned in the given table. A total of 100 questions for a maximum of 100 marks have to be solved in 1 Hour(60 Minutes) time duration.

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern 2023 For Prelims
S. No. Name of Test No. of Question Maximum Marks Duration
1. English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
2. Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
3. Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
Total 100 100 60 Minutes



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Where can I get the RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3?

RBI Assistant Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 has been discussed in the given article.

What are the different aspects mentioned in the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3?

The different aspects mentioned in the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 are difficulty level, good attempts, and section-wise analysis.

What was the level of RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, 18 November, Shift 3?

The level of RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, 18 November, Shift 3 was Easy.

What are the good attempts for the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, Shift 3, 18 November?

The good attempts for the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023, Shift 3, 18 November are 89-95.

Can I get the section-wise analysis for the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023?

Yes, the given post comprises the section-wise analysis for the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2023.