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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -29th December

Directions (1-5): In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number, if any, is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Q1. 25, 73, 153, 273, 441, 665, 950
(a) 950
(b) 25
(c) 441
(d) 153
(e) 73

Q2. 400, 1200, 300, 1500, 250, 1745, 218.75
(a) 1500
(b) 218.75
(c) 1745
(d) 1200
(e) 250

Q3. 506, 626, 774, 962, 1202, 1506, 1890
(a) 506
(b) 626
(c) 962
(d) 1890
(e) 774

Q4. 16, 14, 18, 40, 164, 1316, 21060
(a) 16
(b) 21060
(c) 164
(d) 1316
(e) 14

Q5. 162, 177, 207, 250, 312, 387, 477
(a) 387
(b) 177
(c) 250
(d) 312
(e) 477

Direction (6-15): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Q6. 7.5, 41, 81, 129.5, 190.5, ?
(a) 275
(b) 270
(c) 271.5
(d) 272.5
(e) 269.5

Q7. 13, 113, 775, 3839, ?, 11353
(a) 11417
(b) 7853
(c) 11253
(d) 11453
(e) 19131

Q8. 122, 166.5, 205.5, 255.5, 283.5, ?
(a) 523
(b) 483.5
(c) 355.5
(d) 393.5
(e) 423.5

Q9. 620 632 608 644 596 ?
(a) 536
(b) 556
(c) 656
(d) 646
(e) None of these

Q10. 572, ?, 1012, 1280, 1580, 1912
(a) 476
(b) 668
(c) 776
(d) 772
(e) 1016


Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -29th December_3.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -29th December_4.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 -29th December_5.1

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What are sections included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam?

Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English sections are included in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam