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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June

Q1. Glass ‘A’ contains 400 ml sprite & glass ‘B’ contains 220 ml coke. 4X ml sprite taken out from ‘A’ and mixed in ‘B’ and then 3X ml mixture from ‘B’ taken out and poured into a vacant glass ‘C’. If ratio of coke to sprite in glass C is 11 : 4, then find remaining quantity of sprite in glass ‘B’?
(a) 240 ml
(b) 60 ml
(c) 64 ml
(d) 80 ml
(e) 48 ml

Q2. Vessel A contains mixture of milk, water and wine in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5 and vessel B contains mixture of milk and wine in the ratio 3 : 5. If quantity of milk in vessel A is equal to quantity of milk in vessel B and sum of water in A and wine in B is 95L then find the total quantity of mixture in vessel A.
(a) 75L
(b) 100 L
(c) 125 L
(d) 135 L
(e) 150 L

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_3.1

Q4. 48 l water mixed in a container, which contain 120 l milk. 42 l mixture from container taken out and some quantity of water and milk mixed in the ratio of 2 : 1. If in the resulting mixture ratio of milk and water is 11 : 6, then find what quantity of water was added?
(a) 12 l
(b) 10 l
(c) 24 l
(d) 18 l
(e) 28 l

Q5. There are three vessels A , B and C, Vessel A and B filled with mixture of milk and Water in the ratio of 5 : 4 and 5 : 3 respectively. 25% of mixture from vessel A taken out and mixed in vessel C, which contains 45 lpure milk. If in resulting mixture milk is 250% more than water in vessel C and initial quantity of mixture in vessel B is 20 l less than that of mixture in vessel A, then find the quantity of milk in vessel B?
(a) 180 liters
(b) 120 liters
(c) 80 liters
(d) 100 liters
(e) 140 liters

Q6. Two types of ornaments are prepared by using gold and copper in two different proportions. In first ornaments, 6-gram gold is mixed with 5-gram copper and in second ornament 5-gram gold is mixed with 3-gram copper. If total quantity of gold and copper is122 gram and 90 grams respectively then how many ornaments are prepared of second type? (total gold and copper are used)
(a) 15
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) 20
(e) 9

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_4.1

Q8. A vessel contains X liters of milk. 4 liters of milk is replaced by water completely and the ratio of milk to water is 4 : 1 in the resulting mixture. Then, again 4 liters of the solution is replaced by water completely and the ratio of milk to water in the resulting mixture becomes 16 : 9. Then, find the value of X.
(a) 22 liters
(b) 24 liters
(c) 15 liters
(d) 28 liters
(e) None of the above.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_5.1

Q10. A and B are two alloys which were made by mixing iron and copper in the ratio of 3 : 5 and 5 : 9 respectively. If 60 grams of alloy A and X grams of alloy B are melted and mixed to form another alloy C, what is the value of X if the ratio of iron and copper in the new alloy is 35 : 61 ?
(a) 70 gms
(b) 56 gms
(c) 98 gms
(d) 84 gms
(e) 112 gms


Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_6.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_7.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_8.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_9.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_10.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_11.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_12.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_13.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 -28th June |_14.1


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How many sections are there in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam?

There are 4 sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning.