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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Assistant/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022- 31st March

Directions (1-5): Given table provides salary (in Rs), expenditure (on Education Fee & Travelling) & savings as percentage of total salary details of 5 different person. Some data are missing which you have to calculate as per instructions provided in questions. Read the data carefully & answer the following questions.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Assistant/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022- 31st March_3.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Assistant/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022- 31st March_4.1

Q1. If ratio of total amount of expenditure (Education Fee and Travelling) to the total amount of savings of person C is 5: 3, then find the total amount spent on Travelling is how much more than total savings of person C?
(a) Rs. 1800
(b) Rs. 1600
(c) Rs. 1400
(d) Rs. 2000
(e) Rs. 1200

Q2. If salary of person B is 44% more than the salary of C, then what is the ratio of total amount spent on Education Fee by both the person C and B together to the total amount of savings by both person C and B together? (Use data from Q1.)
(a) 815: 848
(b) 848: 807
(c) 807: 848
(d) 848: 815
(e) 265: 243

Q3. The ratio of amount spent on Education Fee to the amount of savings by person A is 4: 3 and total amount spent on Travelling by Person B and A is same, then what is the total amount spent on Education Fee by both person A and B together? (In Rs)
(a) 29800
(b) 26400
(c) 28800
(d) 31280
(e) 30080

Q4. Total salary of person D is equal to the average salary of person A and C together, then difference between total amount spent on Travelling and total amount of savings by person D is approximately what percent more/less than the total amount spent on Education Fee by person C?
(a) 140%
(b) 145%
(c) 135%
(d) 130%
(e) 150%

Q5. Find the respective ratio of the total amount spent by Person A on Travelling to the average of total amount spent by Person E on Education Fee and Travelling together?
(a) 25: 31
(b)27: 32
(c) 32: 27
(d) 25: 34
(e) 34: 25

Directions (6–10): Given line graph shows the data of difference between marked price & cost price and difference between selling price & marked price of 4 different items sold by a dealer.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For RBI Assistant/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022- 31st March_5.1

(NOTE: On each article dealer definitely earned some profit or loss)
Profit = Selling Price (SP) – Cost Price (CP);
Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price
Discount = Marked Price (MP) – Selling Price (SP)

Q6. On how many articles loss is incurred?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Cannot be determined
(d) 3
(e) 4

Q7. If CP of article R is equal to SP of article P, then find difference between marked price of P & R?
(a) 30
(b) 26
(c) 4
(d) 8
(e) 6

Q8. On article Q, 12.5% profit is earned. If profit percentage on article Q is equal to discount (%) given on article P, then marked price of P is what percent more/less than that of Q?
(a) 73%
(b) 90%
(c) 58.33%
(d) 140%
(e) 175%

Q9. The ratio of cost price of S to marked price of R is 3: 2 and if 60% discount is offered on R, then what is the difference between selling price of R & S?
(a) Rs 90
(b) Rs 74
(c) Rs 120
(d) Rs 46
(e) Rs 84

Q10. The cost price of S is 100% more than that of R and on S 2.5% profit is earned. If he sells ‘X’ article of R and ‘3X – 8’ articles of S then total loss incurred in this transaction is equal to cost price of 1 unit of article R. How many total units of R & S were sold by the shopkeeper?
(a) 62
(b) 72
(c) 52
(d) 32
(e) 42


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