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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For LIC AAO Mains 2023-28th February

Directions (1-5): The given table shows the number of solo performances performed by four different artists (Arti, Bindu, Chiru and Dev) in a particular TV show on different days in a week and amount paid to them for each performance.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For LIC AAO Mains 2023-28th February_3.1

(i) There is no performance on Sunday.
(ii) ‘—’ is missing value
(iii) Each performance is of half an hour.
(iv) Duration of the show is three weeks.

Q1. Find the ratio of amount paid to Arti to the amount paid to Chiru for their performances in the shows?
(a) 4: 5
(b) 3: 2
(c) 1: 2
(d) 9: 10
(e) None of the above
Q2. Find number of performances made by Bindu in a week if she is paid an amount of Rs. 2.25 lakh for her performances in the entire show.
(a) 15
(b) 18
(c) 12
(d) 21
(e) 24
Q3. Number of performances made by Dev in a week is 3 more than the number of performances made by Chiru in that week. Then find the total amount paid to Dev for the entire show?
(a) Rs. 2.82 lakh
(b) Rs. 2.88 lakh
(c) Rs. 2.58 lakh
(d) Rs. 2.70 lakh
(e) Rs. 2.67 lakh
Q4. Total amount paid to Chiru for the entire show is what percent more or less than total amount paid to Arti and Dev for their performances in case 2 in entire show?
(a) 25%
(b) 30%
(c) 24%
(d) 28%
(e) 27.5%

Q5. If Bindu did not perform under case 2 in the entire show then find the total amount paid to remaining artists under case 2 in the entire show?
(a) 3.15 lakh
(b) 3.27 lakh
(c) 3.12 lakh
(d) 3.24 lakh
(e) 3.33 lakh

Directions (6-10): Study the line-graph carefully and answer the questions.
Line graph given below shows the time taken in hours by Rahul and Rohan on six different days of a week.

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Q6. If distance covered by both Rahul and Rohan on Tuesday is same then find the ratio of speed of Rohan to speed of Rahul on Tuesday ?
(a) None of these
(b) 1 : 3
(c) 3 : 1
(d) 3 : 2
(e) 4 : 3
Q7. Total distance covered by Rohan on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday together is 96 km and respective ratio of speed on these days is 5 : 3 : 2. Then find average of speed of Rohan on Tuesday and Thursday ?
(a) 10.5 km/hr
(b) 13 km/hr
(c) 21 km/hr
(d) None of these
(e) 8.5 km/hr

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Q9. If speed of Veer on Monday is 5 m/s which is 30% and 45% of the speed of Rahul and Rohan respectively. Then find the total distance travelled by Rohan and Rahul together on same day?
(a) 360 km
(b) None of these
(c) 320 km
(d) 210 km
(e) 240 km

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Direction (11-15): The following line graph shows the number of students enrolled in two different courses (B.Tech, & Medical) in a college during 2013 to 2017. Study the given graph carefully and answer the following questions.

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Q11. What was the percent increase/decrease in number of students in medical in the year 2017 as compared to previous year?
(a) 12.5%
(b) 25%
(c) 20%
(d) 22.5
(e) 33.33%

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Q13. Find the average no. of students enrolled in B.Tech all over the years.
(a) 242
(b) 422
(c) 264
(d) 342
(e) 282

Q14. What is the ratio between students enrolled in B.tech in year 2014 and 2016 together to that of Medical in year 2017 and 2016 together?
(a) 54 : 59
(b) 9 : 10
(c) 55 : 58
(d) 59 : 54
(e) 57 : 59

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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For LIC AAO Mains 2023-28th February_17.1


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When will the LIC AAO Mains exam be held?

LIC AAO Mains exam will be held on 18 March