Directions (1 – 15): In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
Q1. 512, 504, 488, 466, 432, 392, 344
Q2. 512, 255, 127, 63, 31, 15
Q3. 221, 263, 313, 370, 434, 505, 583
Q4. 35, 37, 49, 79, 137, 225, 357
Q5. 14, 30, 66, 130, 230, 374, 568
Q6. 2, 7, 42, 210, 840, 2520, 5040
Q7. 1250, 1249, 1240, 1215, 1166, 1085, 965
Q8. 34, 66, 126, 244, 478, 944, 1874
Q9. 254, 302, 358, 422, 494, 578, 662
Q10. 111, 128, 148, 170, 199, 230, 267
(a) 230
(b) 170
(c) 128
(d) 148
(e) 111
Q11. 28, 29, 33, 60, 76,201, 238
Q12. 220, 244, 277, 321, 376, 442, 519
Q13. 13, 14, 29, 88, 353, 1766, 10595
Q14. 144, 145, 148, 174, 189, 313, 348
Q15. 9, 25, 343, 81, 1331, 169, 3375