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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 4th January

Directions (1-4): The bar graph shows the total number of incoming calls received at the end of four different customer care executives of level 1, % of call attained and percentage of call whose issues are being resolved by them.
Unresolved calls at level 1 are being forwarded to level 2 and at level 2 all issues will be resolved.
Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 4th January_3.1
(i) Incoming calls are in thousands.
(ii) call attained are in percentage out of total incoming calls.
(iii) issue resolved at level 1 are in percentage out of total calls attained
(iv) Each call is for single issue

Q1. Total calls attained at the end of C and D are how much more or less than average of calls received at the end of all four customer care executives.
(a) 25,650
(b) 25,800
(c) 26,300
(d) 26,500
(e) 26,900

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 4th January_4.1

Q4. Salary at level 1 customer care executives are Rs. 35,000 per month and if any of them do not attend any call then 25 paise for each unattended call are deducted from their salary. Then find the average of salary received by A, B and C in that month.
(a) Rs. 30516 ⅔
(b) Rs. 30716 ⅔
(c) Rs. 30428 ⅓
(d) Rs. 30628 ⅓
(e) None of these

Directions (5-9): Study the following graph carefully and answer the question. The following bar graph shows the budget allocation (in crore) for education, sport and Health care from year 2018-22.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 4th January_3.1

Q5. What percent is the average budget of sport during 2018 to 2022 than that of average budget of Education throughout all the years? (approximately)
(a) 84%
(b) 88%
(c) 87%
(d) 90%
(e) 94%

Q6. In 2022, budget allocated for sport for male to female are in the ratio of 3 : 2 and it proposed that budget allocated for males to be increased by 25% in 2023 compared to previous year for sport then, what is the percentage increase in sport budget allocation for 2023 with no change in sport budget allocated for female in 2023 as compared to previous year?
(a) 20%
(b) 18%
(c) 15%
(d) 12%
(e) 10%

Q7. Find the ratio between total budget allocated for Education from year 2018 to 2020 together to total budget allocated for Health care from year 2020 to 2022 together ?
(a) 17 : 29
(b) 18 : 29
(c) 21 : 29
(d) 27 : 29
(e) 17 : 27

Q8. If in 2019 budget allocated for only three sports i.e. Cricket, Badminton and Hockey in the ratio of 5 : 4 : 4 respectively and budget allocated for Education in 2022 for Urban and rural area in the ratio of 5 : 6 respectively. Then find budget allocated for Education for rural area in 2022 how much more than budget allocated for Cricket & Badminton together in 2019?
(a)30 cr
(b)35 cr
(c)40 cr
(d)45 cr
(e)25 cr

Q9. Find the sum of average of budget allocated for Health care throughout all the year 2018-22 and average of budget allocated for Education throughout all the year 2018-2022 ?
(a) 336
(b) 338
(c) 340
(d) 342
(e) 348

Directions (10-12): Study the bar charts given below and answer the following questions.
Bar chart shows the units of soaps manufactured by two different companies (A & B) in 5 different years and percentage of soaps sold by these 2 companies in these 5 years. Both companies started their production from 2014.

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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for IBPS 2021 Mains Exams- 4th January_7.1

Q11. If selling price of each soap of A & B in all years is Rs.13 & Rs.17 respectively, then find revenue of A in 2016, 2017 & 2018 together is how much more or less than revenue of B in 2015, 2016 & 2017 together?
(a) Rs.85,478
(b) Rs.73,387
(c) Rs.61,792
(d) Rs.68,456
(e) Rs.79,889

Q12. If cost price and selling price of each unit of soap of B in all the given years is Rs.15 & Rs.15.80 respectively and B threw all its unsold units of soaps in 2018 as B closed down in 2018, then find approximate profit/loss percentage of B over all the 5 given years together.
(a) 8%
(b) 10%
(c) 13%
(d) 7%
(e) 2%

Directions (13-15): Read the given information carefully and answer the following questions. The given graph shows the profit percentage of three companies in different years.
Profit= Income- Expenditure and profit percentage is calculated using income as a reference.

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Q13. What is the difference (in Rs. Lakhs) between the profits of A in 2000 and 2002? Assume that the expenditures of A in 2000 and 2002 were Rs. 9 lakhs and Rs. 10.2 lakhs respectively.
(a) Rs 72,000
(b) Rs 60,000
(c) Rs 75,000
(d) Rs 80,000
(e) Rs 90,000

Q14. The expenditure of B in 2004 was same as the expenditure of C in 2000, what was the ratio of the income of B in 2004 to that of C in 2000?
(a) 3: 2
(b) 1: 1
(c) 5: 4
(d) 2: 3
(e) None of these

Q15. The ratio of the incomes of A and B in 2008 was 5: 4. What was the ratio of the expenditure of A to that of B in that year?
(a) 10: 7
(b) 10: 9
(c) 5: 4
(d) 3: 2
(e) 6: 5

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