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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 3rd December

Direction (1 – 5): Given below pie chart shows percentage distribution of population in five villages. Read the chart carefully and answer the questions.

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 3rd December_3.1

Q2. Find the central angle of population of village D & E together?
(a) 148°
(b) 154°
(c) 166°
(d) 160°
(e) 162°

Q3. If total population of another village Q is 65 % of total population of village C and ratio between male population to female population in village Q is 4 : 9. Then find total female population in village Q?
(a) 805
(b) 810
(c) 840
(d) 880
(e) 960

Q4. If total literate population of village D is equal to 75 % of total population of village B. then find percentage of illiterate population in village D?
(a) 54.25%
(b) 52 .25%
(c) 58.25%
(d) 56.25 %
(e) 50.25%

Q5. Find the ratio between total population of village E to total population of village B?
(a) 5 : 7
(b) 6 : 11
(c) 6 : 7
(d 6 : 5
(e) 5 : 12

Direction (6 – 10): What approximate value should come in the place of question (?) marks in the given question?

Q6. 8399.99 × 14.996 ÷ 374.982 + √16.011= ?
(a) 564
(b) 340
(c) 320
(d) 324
(e) 384

Q7. √2499.99+14.97% of 14=?
(a) 40
(b) 45
(c) 52
(d) 58
(e) 64

Q8. 24.987% × 639.97 + 45.21% of 359 = ?
(a) 358
(b) 378
(c) 322
(d) 302
(e) 288

Q9. 33.30003% of 509.99 = ?
(a) 140
(b) 185
(c) 155
(d) 170
(e) 100

Q10. 74.79% of 1344.11 + 12.48% of 128.20 = ?
(a) 1048
(b) 1024
(c) 1072
(d) 1096
(e) 1120

Directions (11-15): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?

Q11. 15, 35, 45, 55, 70, ?
(a) 95
(b) 90
(c) 80
(d) 100
(e) 110

Q12. ? , 12.7, 4.6 , 1.9 , 1, 0.7
(a) 35
(b) 37
(c) 28.9
(d) 85.6
(e) 25.4

Q13. 497, 466, 437, 414, ?, 378
(a) 395
(b) 397
(c) 399
(d) 401
(e) 393

Q14. 16, 7, 5, 7, 24, ?
(a) 191
(b) 189
(c) 187
(d) 185
(e) 183

Q15. ?, 60, 39, 66, 33, 72
(a) 45
(b) 42
(c) 39
(d) 48
(e) 36


Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 3rd December_4.1

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