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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 13th November

Q1. A shopkeeper marked up the price of an article by 40%. He gained a profit of Rs 304 on selling the article, if he gave a discount of 15%. Find the selling price of the article?
(a) Rs 1600
(b) Rs 2240
(c) Rs 1904
(d) Rs 1604
(e) Rs 1900

Q2. 4 years ago, ratio of age of Deepak and Sanjay was 3 :4. Average of present age of Deepak, Sanjay and Harish is 26 years. Harish is 11 years younger than Sanjay. what is the present age of Sanjay?
(a) 25 years
(b) 21 years
(c) 22 years
(d) 32 years
(e) 26 years

Q3. In how many different ways can the letters of the word “CRICKET” be arranged so that vowels occupy only the extreme ends?
(a) 720
(b) 360
(c) 260
(d) 120
(e) 240

Q4. 700 gram of sugar solution has 60% sugar. How much sugar should be added in the solution to make this solution of 80% sugar?
(a) 700 gram
(b) 300 gram
(c) 450 gram
(d) 600 gram
(e) 200 gram

Directions (5–10): What will come in the place of question (?) mark in the following question?

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 13th November |_3.1

Directions (11-15): In the following questions, two quantities are given, one as ‘Quantity I’ and another as ‘Quantity II’. You have to compare numerical values of both the quantities and choose the appropriate Option.
(a) Quantity I > Quantity II
(b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
(c) Quantity I ≤ Quantity II
(d) Quantity I < Quantity II
(e) Quantity I = Quantity II or no relation.

Q11. Quantity I. A and B can complete a piece of work in 10days and 15 days respectively. Time taken by A and B together to complete the work.
Quantity II. C can complete a work in 9 days and efficiency of D is 50% more than that of C. Time taken by D to complete the work.

Quantity I. x, x²-29x + 198=0
Quantity II. y, y²-37y + 342=0

Q13. Quantity I. A shopkeeper sold a product for Rs. 420 at 20% discount and he marked article 50% above cost price. Cost price of article.
Quantity II. M.R.P. of an article is Rs. 640, two successive discounts of 12.5% is given. S.P. of article.

Quantity I. x, 4²-4x – 3 = 0
Quantity II. y, 2y²+3y + 1 = 0

Q15. Quantity I. A train can cross a pole in 15 sec with speed of 900 m/min. Length of train in meter.
Quantity II. A train can cross a pole in 9sec and a tunnel of length 200m in 17 sec. Length of a bridge if train cross a bridge in 18 sec.


Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For FCI Phase I 2022- 13th November |_4.1

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