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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 14th January

Directions (1-5): Table given below shows the Revenue generated by six online stores, and percentage distribution of revenue generated by five different section in these stores. Some data are missing, calculate the missing data according to given information and answer the following questions: –

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 14th January_3.1

Q1. Revenue generated by home and living section of Ajio is 8 millions, then find revenue generated by clothing and cosmetic section together by Ajio is what percent of revenue generated by home and living section of Jabong? (in approximate)
(a) 116%
(b) 104%
(c) 112%
(d) 128%
(e) 132%

Q2. If ratio between revenue generated by footwear section to cosmetic section of Myntra is 10 : 9. Then find the ratio between revenue generated by footwear section of Myntra to revenue generated by home & living section of Flipkart?
(a) 27 : 19
(b) 15 : 26
(c) 26 : 15
(d) 19 : 27
(e) 26 : 11

Q3. If revenue generated by Electronic section of Ajio is 5 millions, then find the difference between revenue generated by cosmetic and clothing section of Ajio and cosmetic and Home & living section of Flipkart? (in million)
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 4
(e) 10

Q4. If total revenue generated by clothing section of Snapdeal is 12.5 million and total revenue generated by Footwear section of Ajio is 6 million. Find total revenue generated by all section of Snapdeal is what percent more/less than total revenue generated by all sections of Ajio?
(a) 40%
(b) 15%
(c) 30%
(d) 20%
(e) 25%

Q5. Find average revenue generated by clothing section of Myntra, Jabong, Flipkart and Amazon together (in million)?
(a) 11.25
(b) 12.25
(c) 14.25
(d) 15.25
(e) 16.25

Directions (6-10): Table given below shows profit percentage earned on selling two different items X and Y and discount percentage offered by five retailers on these items. Mark price of each article sold by each retailer is same while cost price of article for each retailor may vary. Study the data carefully & answer the following question

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 14th January_4.1

Q6. On article ‘X’, 28% discount is offered by ‘A’. If selling price of article ‘Y’ sold by ‘A’ is Rs 312 more than selling price of article ‘X’ sold by ‘A’ then find profit percent earned by ‘A’ on selling article ‘Y’ given that average of cost price of both article for ‘A’ is Rs 1520.
(a) 18.5%
(b) 22.5%
(c) 27.5%
(d) 32.5%
(e) 37.5%

Q7. Discount % on article ‘X’ offered by ‘C’ is 15% while profit % of article ‘Y’ sold by ‘E’ is 33⅓%. If difference between cost price of article ‘Y’ sold by ‘B’ and ‘E’ together is Rs 216 more than cost price of article ‘X’ sold by ‘C’ and ‘E’ together then find the cost price of article ‘Y’ sold by ‘C’?
(a) Rs. 4940
(b) Rs. 3420
(c) Rs. 3800
(d) Rs. 4180
(e) Rs. 4560

Q8. Find the ratio between cost price of article ‘X’ for ‘B’ to cost price of article ‘Y’ for ‘D’. If profit % of article ‘X’ sold by ‘B’ and profit % of article ‘Y’ sold by ‘D’ is 68% and 20% respectively.
(a) 2 : 3
(b) 5 : 6
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 5 : 8
(e) 5 : 7

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 14th January_5.1

Directions (11-15): Table given below shows five different mobile phones sold in Amazon sale, percentage of total 32 GB mobile phone sold, percentage of total 64 GB sold mobile which returned out of total sold 64 GB mobile phone, also total returned mobile phone out of total sold mobile Phones. Read data carefully and answer the questions:

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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Mains Exams 2021- 14th January_7.1

Q12. Ratio between total returned mobile Phone of ‘B’ to total returned ‘D’ is 8 : 7. If total number of 32 GB sold mobile of ‘B’ is 1950 more than total number of total 32 GB sold mobile of ‘D’ and total 64 GB returned mobile of ‘D’ is 600 less than that of ‘B’. Find difference between total 64GB returned mobile phone of ‘D’ and total sold 32 GB mobile phone sold of ‘D’?
(a) 1800
(b) 1600
(c) 1400
(d) 1200
(e) 1000

Q13. Total number of phone ‘A’ & ‘E’ sold is 8800. If total phone ‘E’ sold is 20% more than total phone ‘A’ sold and out of total sold ‘E’ phones 15% phone returned. Find ratio between total returned 32 GB mobile phone of ‘E’ to total returned 64 GB mobile phone of ‘A’?
(a) 8 : 5
(b) 102 : 65
(c) 108 : 65
(d) 100 : 67
(e) 110 : 67

Q14. Total number of phone ‘A’, ‘C’ and ‘E’ sold is 14400 and ratio of total sold mobile phones of ‘A’, ‘C’ and ‘E’ is 5 : 7 : 6 respectively. If out of total sold mobile phone of ‘B’ and ‘E’, 18% and 15% phone returned respectively, then find the total number of returned mobiles phones in this sale?
(a) 6684
(b) 6384
(c) 6680
(d) 6844
(e) 6840

Q15. If total number of returned phones of ‘D’ is 1365 more than total returned phone of ‘A’ then find total number of mobile phones that are not returned of both brands?
(a) 10265
(b) 10255
(c) 10250
(d) 10260
(e) 10200

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