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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 – 06th April

Direction: (1-5) Read the following pie chart carefully and answer the given question.
The pie chart shows the percentage of number of people in the five different committees (A, B, C, D and E). Total number of people in all committees together are 80.

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Q1. If in committee C, 3 people are of 50 years and 4 people are above 50 years, then find the number of people whose age is below 50 years.

(a) 9
(b) 16
(c) 10
(d) 15
(e) 11

Q2. If the ratio of male to female in the committee A and B are 3:1 and 1: 4 respectively, then find the total number of females in the committee A and B together.
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 13
(d) 19
(e) 17
Q3. If the average number of females in the all committees is 6, then find the number of males in all the committees.
(a) 55
(b) 50
(c) 45
(d) 40
(e) 65
Q4. Find the difference between the people in the committee A and E.
(a) 3
(b) 7
(c) 4
(d) 2
(e) 8
Q5. In a debate conducted by the member of committee B, 35% of the members speak against the topic. Find the people those speak in favor of the topic.
(a) 13
(b) 15
(c) 18
(d) 12
(e) 10

Directions (6-10): Read the following bar graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Bar graph show total number of books and total number of novels sold by five (P, Q, R, S & T) different sellers.

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Q6. There are two types of books sold by S i.e., type A & type B are in the ratio of 3:5 respectively. Find the total novels sold by T is how much more/less than total type B books sold by S?
(a) 12
(b) 10
(c) 8
(d) 5
(e) 20

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Q8. Find the ratio of average novels sold by T, Q & P to total books sold by R.
(a) 45:41
(b) 39:40
(c) 31:42
(d) 44:39
(e) 38:43
Q9. If price of each book and each novel sold by Q is Rs.40 & Rs.55 respectively, then find the total revenue generated by Q by selling all the novels and books (in Rs.).
(a) 22450
(b) 21750
(c) 15600
(d) 18200
(e) 25300
Q10. If 20% & 25% of the total novels & books respectively sold by T are returned, then find the sum of actual number of book and novels sold by T.
(a) 450
(b) 432
(c) 560
(d) 180
(e) 250

Directions (11-15): The line graph given below shows the number of students that are absent and present in four different sections. Read the line graph carefully and answer the following questions.

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Note: Total number of students = Absent students + Present students.

Q11. What is the average of total number of present students in all the sections except B?
(a) 60
(b) 58
(c) 63
(d) 50
(e) 70

Q12. Find the difference between number of absent students in A and C together and present students in B and D together.
(a) 25
(b) 30
(c) 45
(d) 40
(e) 35

Q13. Find the number of absent students in B is what percent of present students in C?
(a) 33.33%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 75%
(e) 66.67%

Q14. What is the ratio of total number of students in B to that in D?
(a) 28/19
(b) 17/19
(c) 27/19
(d) 25/19
(e) 21/19

Q15. The absent students in B and C together is how much percentage more/less than present students in C and D?
(a) 50%
(b) 25%
(c) 0%
(d) 75%
(e) 100%


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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 - 06th April_11.1

Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023 - 06th April_12.1                                                                .

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