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Prepositions and Fixed Preposition in English Language

Prepositions commonly used to show a relationship in space or time or a logical relationship between two or more people, places, or things. Prepositions are most commonly go around with a noun phrase or pronoun. Prepositions form a small but very important word class. We use prepositions very frequently in the English language. The prepositions to, of, in, for, on, with, at, by, from used frequently in our daily language. If you can understand and correctly use prepositions, it will improve your fluency. In this article, we will help you to understand the Prepositions and Fixed Preposition in the English Language.

Basic English Grammar Rules Of Preposition Basics Rules of Noun Basic Rules of Verb Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement

Fixed Preposition: Many verbs are followed by prepositions. All of us need to take care of these verbs if we want to use them to speak or write correct English. It is often seen that people don’t follow these verbs with fixed prepositions.

List of Fixed Preposition

We provide you a list of the fixed preposition, which is used most frequently, try to understand from these examples.

Fixed Prepostion  Example
Above above all (else/others), above ground, above oneself
After after all, after a while, after further analysis, after many years
As as a reminder, as a result, as a reward, as a rule, as usual
At at any rate, at arm’s length, at a time, at best, at ease, at every opportunity.
Beyond beyond assistance, beyond belief, beyond compare, beyond comparison
By by accident, by analogy, by arrangement, by birth, by candlelight, by chance, by coincidence, by common consent, by comparison
For for a change, for a moment, for a (…) reason, for a start, for a time, for a while, for convenience, for good
From from a … perspective, from all the evidence, from day one, from day to day
In in a … capacity, in all probability, in all sincerity, in a mess, in anger, in answer, in a rage, in a sense, in brief, in charge
Of  of all things, of benefit, of concern, of course, of good reputation, of interest, of late, of necessity
Off off colour, off duty, off-limits, off the record, off the scale, off the top
On  on all sides, on average, on balance, on condition that …, on end, on high alert, on impulse, on occasion, on purpose
Out of out of action, out of all proportion, out of bounds, out of circulation, out of contract, out of control
To to a degree, to all appearances, to all intents and purposes, to a great/small extent, to great (or the same) effect, to my mind
Under under attack, under consideration, under construction, under contract, under control, under inspection, under license
With with concern, with delight, with difficulty, with dignity, with dismay, with hindsight
Within within one’s capacity, within limits, within living memory, within minutes, within range, within (easy) reach
Without without assistance, without delay, without doubt, without end, without exception, without fail

Important Questions Based on Preposition

Spot the Error?

Q.The widely publicised manifesto (a) / of the new party is not (b) / much different than ours (c) / No error (d)

Q. I was taken with surprise (a) / when I saw (b)/ the glamorous Appu Ghar (c) / No error (d)

Q.Man needs security (a) / and leisure (b) / of free thinking (c) / No error (d)

Q.His mentor, (1) / Rana Keshav was (2) / blind with (3) / one eye. (4) / No Error (5)

Q.She was taken with (1) / surprise when she saw (2) / the famous (3) / Taj Mahal. (4) / No Error (5)

Q.It is not possible (1) / to exchange the goods (2) / once the sale has (3) / been completed. (4) / No Error (5)

Q. It is the duty of every right thinking citizen(a) / to try to make (b) / the whole world a happier place to live (c) / No error

Q.Dr. Mehta has been (1) / trying to develop (2) /a medicine (3) / for last five years. (4) / No Error (5)

Q.The top-ranking candidates (1) / will be appointed in (2) / senior jobs (3) / in Banks. (4) / No Error (5)

Q. She knows very well (1) / what is expected from her (2) / but she is unable (3) / to perform. (4) / No Error (5)

Q. They will put on (1) / a note in this (2) / regard for (3) / your consideration. (4) / No Error (5)

Q.Most of the UP (1) / is a fertile plain (2) / between which (3) / the river Ganga flows. (4) / No Error (5)

Q.It was apparent for everyone (a) / present that if the patient did not receive (b) / medical attention fast he would die (c) / No error (d)?

Q.Although the pain (1) / was behind (2) / his capacity (3) / yet he didn’t complain. (4) / No Error (5)

Q. Several prominent celebrities (1) / involved in the scandal (2) / are required to appear (3)/ to the investigation committee.(4) / No Error (5)

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