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How to Score Maximum Marks in SBI Clerk English Language Section?

SBI Clerk Prelims English Section Strategy: SBI is all set to roll SBI Clerk Prelims Exam in the month of February or March as per the official notification. If you are aiming to crack SBI Clerk 2020, you have to give attentions to all the sections namely Quant, Reasoning and English. Among these three, English can fetch you marks with little efforts. This section is either kept for the last minutes by some or is a bone of contention for others. If you are worried about how to ace English Section of SBI Clerk, you are at the right place.

How to Score Maximum Marks in SBI Clerk English Language Section?_3.1

SBI has released the much awaited SBI Clerk Notification 2020 to recruit 8000+ candidates for the post of Junior Associate. State Bank of India Recruitment for Junior Associate (Clerk) is conducted in two phases: Prelims and Mains followed by the LPT (Language Proficiency Test). As per the SBI Clerk Notification, the prelims examination is to be held in the month of February or March while the mains exam is to be held on 19 April 2020.

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This article is dedicated to help an aspirant regarding SBI Clerk English Language section preparation. Before going into the topic directly, we are providing you with the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern that will supplement your knowledge of marks and time break-up for each section.

S.No. Name of Tests(Objective No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 30 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

How to Prepare for English Language for SBI Clerk Prelims?

English language consist of total 30 questions with a total score of 30 marks and 20 minutes time duration. SBI has introduced sectional timing this year in SBI Clerk Exam. Candidates are either too scared of this section or keep it for the last minute. Both the cases aren’t going to serve the purpose. If you want to be selected in SBI Clerk Recruitment, giving importance to all the sections is crucial. Also, English is the section that can be prepared with little efforts. So, let’s kick-start the drill.

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There are some important areas that demands your attention:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Other (Verbal ability)

Area-Wise Strategy

Reading Comprehension: This topic carries the highest weightage in English section. 5-7 questions are asked out of this topic. However, it demands a strong grip over English. To ace through this section, cultivate reading habits. Pick up either newspaper, or English books to understand different passages. Focus on vocabulary and improve grammatical knowledge. Practice comprehension test as it is the key to ace. Practice topic-wise mock as well as take a deep look at the previous year’s paper to know how the questions are asked.

Grammar: Grammar is necessary to score well as it forms the backbone of the English Language. Some of the topics that has utmost inclination towards grammar are:

  • Cloze Test
  • Error Spotting
  • Phrasal Replacement
  • Fill in the blanks

Go through the previous year’s paper to know what kind of questions are asked in the examination. Focus on the important areas of grammar like Article (a,an,the), Preposition, Questions tags, Conjunctions, Verb, Voice, etc. Read the basic rules and apply shortcuts. This seems quite hectic but if you will solve 20-25 questions of each topic, you will be able to ace this section easily. Just remove the fear of grammar and start making a move.

Vocabulary: Unlike grammar, vocab don’t have a proper rule. So, it can only be aced through practice and some tricks. The areas in which vocabulary is needed is: antonyms, synonyms, cloze test, fill in the blanks. Suppose you are preparing for RC (Reading Comprehension), than you must be reading newspaper or English books that will also add up your vocabulary skills. So, pick the words and learn its meaning, antonym and its usage. Also, learn the usage of other frequently used words as well as words that have been tested in previous year papers. For more vocab, click on the link given below:

Click here for daily vocab

Other (Verbal Ability): This topic covers para-jumbles and sentence rearrangement that carries 4-5 marks in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam. In this you will have to arrange sentences to make a meaningful passage. Sometimes, question are asked out of it. Your logical thinking and speed will help you to score in this topic.

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General Tips

  • Go through the previous year’s paper to know what this exam demands
  • Solve sectional mock test
  • Maintain speed, accuracy and keep time management in mind.
  • The trick to score in English section can vary from one person to another depending on his/her strengths and weaknesses.
  • If you are good at vocab and reading then attempt the reading comprehension first and proceed with Cloze Test and other miscellaneous topics like Error Detection, Para Jumbles, Phrase Replacement, Double Fillers, etc.
  • But if you are good at grammar, attempt Reading Comprehension in the end.
  •  Reading comprehension too should be attempted in a way that you attempt questions based on vocab and phrases first and then the questions that need a deeper penetration through the paragraphs.
  • The important topics for cloze test are subject-verb agreement, preposition, and verbs. These topics may help you do some other questions too that will be based on grammar. So make sure that you have these topics on your fingertips when you are to attempt the examination

So, students you don’t have to worry about this section. Keep calm and start your preparation form today onwards.

All the best!

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